The 7 Series is BMW’s flagship, its technological showcase for years. The i7 is its electric version, proof by example that the German brand is determined to turn to 100% electric. The i7 is the car of superlatives. Insane size, mind-blowing weight, 31-inch OLED screen in the cabin… here luxury and one-upmanship reach another level. However, the i7 remains an electric car with expectations both in terms of driving and autonomy. The BMW limousine invited us to take the wheel, but also to take advantage of its rear seats. We didn’t hesitate for a second.

Masterful, divisive and above all cumbersome

BMW knows how to start a fire with just one image. The brand’s most passionate fans have little taste for the manufacturer’s tendency to explode the size of its shield. With the i7, BMW has taken another step forward. Rarely has a branded vehicle caused so much ink to flow… except perhaps the fourth-generation 7 Series released in 2001 and mocked every day since.

BMW i7 – Dimitri Charitsis –

Apart from this particularly prominent shield, what is criticized for the i7 is that it lacks a little finesse and elegance. The massive design of the beast, its impressive dimensions (more than 5.4 meters long all the same), its weight just under 3 tons and its delirious wheelbase (3.22 m) make it a behemoth of the road. However, we cannot blame BMW for lacking audacity or for not trying to develop a particularly codified design, that of a limousine which must oscillate between two notions that a priori everything opposes: luxury and discretion. .

welcome aboard

Luxury car obliges, the i7 is irreproachable in terms of finishes, manufacturing quality or even the level of materials used. It’s remarkable, but it’s hard to expect less from a car selling for more than 150,000 euros. We will therefore not dwell on this aspect. What is striking when you get on board an i7, in addition to this luxury that is obvious, is the fact that the vehicle is separated into two very distinct spaces. Although there is an overall cohesion, the rear and the front of the passenger compartment are two different spaces. The front is articulated around the two large screens: 12.3 inches for the instrumentation, 14.9 inches for the infotainment. Some would settle for much less. Not the i7 which hides the most beautiful and impressive of its screens on the back.

Indeed, it is the presence of this enormous 31-inch diagonal that gives the rear seats such a special atmosphere, that of a private projection room, but on wheels. On the ceiling of the i7, sits a huge 8K OLED screen that unfolds on demand thanks to a custom-made mechanism. It is at this precise moment that we realize that the i7 is a car in which the owner is driven more than he drives. It is in fact at the rear that we make the most of the comfort and the various equipment on board. This modest screen, the “Theatrescreen” is available as an option, of course, for the tidy sum of 4,900 euros.

Despite this debauchery of means and the blissful fascination provided by the comings and goings of the screen on the ceiling, an attentive observer of new technologies can only regret some of the manufacturer’s choices. That of the OS to start with. Was Amazon’s Fire TV the best gift to give someone who made such an investment? Neither the quality of the interface and even less its application store justify such a choice.

As for how to interact with this screen? No need to search for a remote control. Everything is done using two touch screens integrated into the doors on either side. Again, visually, it’s very successful, but in use, it’s less convincing. Navigating through the menus somewhat lacks naturalness and responsiveness, but once these limits are exceeded, one can only appreciate the view of such a screen, the fact of finding one’s Netflix or Prime Video accounts there, but also the possibility to connect your computer via HDMI. Therefore, whether driving or stationary when charging the battery for example, the i7 can become an unparalleled work or relaxation space as desired.

Because in addition to the image, BMW knew how to work the sound. The passenger compartment hides no less than 39 loudspeakers with a power of nearly 2,000 W. An audio system signed Bower & Wilkins which knows how to be convincing as you turn up the volume.

BMW i7 on the road: 3 tons and without complex?

With 2.715 tons on the scale, the BMW i7 is currently one of the heaviest vehicles that it is possible to drive with a B license. On paper, its weight, its size… its size, in short, are red flags concerning his behavior on the road. However, from the first turns of the wheel, all, absolutely all doubts fly away. The i7 is what enthusiasts call, in the jargon, a “flying carpet”. No matter how the road looks, nothing moves, as if the car was floating on the asphalt. Indeed, the work of the suspensions (controlled and pneumatic), the active anti-roll stabilization (and therefore electronic) give the i7 an ability to filter out the slightest asperity of the road. This level of comfort is very simple, we had never experienced it during our previous tests.

But what’s arguably even more impressive is that this focus on comfort doesn’t stop the i7 from being a monster on the road. Upon acceleration, the tone is set. The 0 to 100 km/h is done in 4.7 seconds. Who said the i7 was too heavy? The 745 Nm of torque certainly have their effect and, combined with the impression of gliding on the asphalt that BMW’s flagship provides, offer an astonishing mix of driving pleasure and comfort. Thought above all for the comfort of the rear passenger, the i7 does not forget that the latter might sometimes want to take the wheel… and get his money’s worth.

Finally, we can only welcome BMW’s choice to completely assume its electric transition. This is particularly visible on the engine audio part. Indeed, where other manufacturers try in vain to artificially reproduce engine noise, the German agrees to turn the page on its V12 from the 90s and its “sweet” chant to offer a virtual engine sound, certainly more artificial. , but also more assumed. The soundtrack signed Hans Zimmer activates with each acceleration and even if it gives more the impression of being in an X-Wing than in a sedan, we love it.

Autonomy: who talked about efficiency?

In terms of autonomy, BMW has not done in lace. To get a maximum of kilometers with a single charge, the manufacturer has opted for the easy solution: to inflate the size of the battery. Size and weight not being a concern on this chassis, the manufacturer opted for a 101.7 kWh pack, which would theoretically offer more than 600 km of autonomy.
Concretely, the manufacturer announces a WLTP consumption of 19.6 kWh per 100 km, which given the size of the machine, would be a feat.
The reality of our trial is, unsurprisingly, slightly different. The rather cold temperatures did not allow us to properly measure the average capacities of the i7. Nevertheless, it is already possible to assert that the values ​​announced by the manufacturer are, to say the least, generous. Motorway consumption exceeds 25 kWh/100 km. In the combined cycle, gentle driving could bring this figure down to 21/22 kWh/100 km. It will be necessary to carry out a more complete test if one wishes to have a real insight into the autonomy of the i7.

However, the choice of this huge battery should protect even the most greedy pilots from unpleasant surprises. Indeed, even by consuming 30 kWh/100 km, the huge pack of the i7 allows it to travel 300 km. It is this value (arbitrary of course) that currently determines the electric vehicles capable of long journeys from others. And if the i7 is not in the finesse in the matter, it still achieves its ends.

As for the charging part, it is also very neat. BMW is not betting on record values ​​and cannot compete with a Hyundai Ioniq 6 or a Kia EV6 on an Ionity terminal. On the other hand, its 195 kW of maximum charging power and above all its ability to hold a high charge long enough would allow it to be very efficient on long journeys. Finally, in order to maximize its ability to charge to high values, BMW leaves nothing to chance by equipping its i7 with a manual or automatic battery preconditioning system when the navigation system scheduler is launched.

Dimitri Charitsis – – The settings for the air conditioning are enough to make you dizzy.

However, if we had to point out a weakness in terms of autonomy, it would be the car’s on-board system. Indeed, on the instrumentation screen, the i7 does not give a net value of the remaining autonomy. BMW prefers to give a range of values ​​between the minimum possible range depending on the current battery charge and the maximum number of kilometers that can be covered. If the approach is interesting, the result tends to scramble the information, the driver never knowing on which foot to dance.
This is, in general, what could be blamed on the whole of the vehicle’s on-board system. BMW goes very far in the possible adjustments in the passenger compartment, and even gives the possibility to the passengers to personalize them. But if you want to do too much, the i7’s interface is too busy and complex to use.

Trial Verdict

The i7 is a real technological and physical feat. Mercedes had set the bar very high with the EQS? No problem for BMW, which does better on almost all points. Quality of finish, comfort on board and road behavior are to the advantage of the Munich brand. The star still has better autonomy and a Hyperscreen that benefits… especially the driver. This is the strength of the i7. With its oversized electric sedan, BMW has managed to offer both one of the most pleasant luxury vehicles to drive and undoubtedly the most comfortable to transport. All that remains is for it to better choose its partners in terms of software in order to approach faultless performance. However, the i7 perfectly fulfills the role assigned to it: that of the brand’s technological showcase. Because at more than 151,800 euros, it is unlikely that the new jewel of BMW will be illustrated in the ranking of best sellers.


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