President of Chile assures that Maduro faces a litmus test before the world

MIAMI — Chilean President Gabriel Boric said the results of Venezuela’s presidential election must be transparent, timely and fully reflect the will of Venezuelans at the polls.

Venezuela held elections on Sunday in a context that was unfavorable for the opposition.

Boric wrote on his X account that the elections in Venezuela are of a transcendental nature. “At this moment the National Electoral Council has paralyzed the transmission of the minutes,” said Solórzano, pointing out that with this measure “they are preventing the transmission to prevent there being a greater number of minutes.”

Former legislator Delsa Solórzano, national representative before the electoral authority of the opposition coalition, denounced that “there is a significant amount of voting centers where they are removing our witnesses” and others where “they refuse to transmit” and “print the minutes issued by the voting machines.”

Meanwhile, Venezuelans are anxiously awaiting the results of the presidential elections.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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