Borja Prado leaves the presidency of Mediaset due to disagreements with the editorial line

Bomb in Mediaset. The president of the company, Borja Prado, who took office only a year and a half ago, resigns due to his lack of harmony with Alessandro Salem, the Italian who today plays the role left by Paolo Vasile after his departure in 2022. This is confirmed by The Economist. The Spanish manager throws in the towel after being tasked with cleaning up Telecinco’s image.

The disagreements between the editorial line that Salem wants and that of Prado would have been one of the triggers for making this decision. For their part, the heirs of Silvio Berlusconi, who died last May, had lost all confidence in him after his disastrous decisions. It is worth remembering that The Spanish businessman was one of those responsible for the cancellation of Slvame and that Jorge Javier Vázquez is away from the small screen to bet on the figure of Ana Rosa Quintana in the afternoons of the network.

As reported this Tuesday by ABC, Borja Prado present his resignation before the end of the year after merging Mediaset España and Media For Europe, the Netherlands-based holding company; a request that came directly from Silvio Berlusconi with the aim of unifying the family’s entire audiovisual business.

Institutional responsibilities

Borja Prado’s entourage assures that the banker leaves maintaining a close relationship with Berlusconi’s heirs, something that does not match the last decision adopted by them last June. By then, They decided to relegate him only to institutional responsibilities far from the support and collaboration work of the editorial line of the news programs. which was promised at first.

The change to a white and familiar channel leaves Prado’s passage through Mediaset full of failures such as TardeAR, ¡Wow vacations!, As es la vida or GH VIP 8, among other formats. It also leaves Telecinco at historic lows in audience as has not happened in the channel’s more than thirty years of history.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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