According to information from France Télévisions, the Marseille star must testify during the trial of eight men, accused of being linked to the assassination of his former producer, Karim Tir.

His testimony will be eagerly awaited in this river trial. The Marseille rapper Julien Mari, alias Jul, was cited as a witness in the trial of the assassination of his former producer Karim Tir, according to information collected by France Télévisions, and confirmed Thursday February 9 by the general prosecutor’s office of the court of call. The hearing is due to open on March 6 before the Bouches-du-Rhône Assize Court in Aix-en-Provence.

Karim Tir was found dead in his vehicle in the Paris region, on the night of June 11 to 12, 2014, hit by several bullets. The man had been working for Jul for a few months at the Liga One Industry label. They even had a studio in Marseille, in the city of Font-Vert.

During a hearing before the police on June 12, 2014, Jul had praised the qualities of his producer, “a straight guy, a good guy and the best manager in France”adding “that he didn’t deserve this”. The rapper said he maintained cordial ties with the Tir family, while ensuring that his relations “stopped at the music and [leur] label”. The Marseillais, who left Liga One Industry in 2015 to create the Gold and Platinum label, also claimed to have no clues or leads to explain the motive for this assassination.

A war between two families

According to the indictment order, Karim Tir was a collateral victim of a “willingness to eliminate” of the whole family Shot by a rival clan: the Remadnia. The two families engage in a bloody conflict in Marseille for the control of drug trafficking. Over the years, this turf battle has turned into a vendetta, with honor killings, personal revenge, and wanton murders. Since 2010, more than twenty settling of accounts are suspected of being linked to this conflict.

Still according to the investigation, to assassinate Karim Tir, the Remadnia had hired a team of contract killers from Marseilles, Corsica and Paris. These members of organized crime had many human and technical resources at their disposal: spinning mills, GPS beacons, firearms, jammers, stolen vehicles, encrypted telephones… They also occupied an apartment in Saint-Gratien (Val-d’ Oise), from where they planned their various criminal schemes. Eight of them will be in the dock during this trial.


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