The end of the year is not presented as one of the best times in the relations between the corporate world and the Government that Sergio Massa has been oiling so much, in its objective of aligning businessmen behind its measures to improve the temperature of the country’s economy.

What the Minister of Economy tried to build in his months in charge of that portfolio the political sectors of the ruling Frente de Todos seem to have thrown down.

Even more so if the latest clashes between the government and the establishment are taken into account, annoyed by several measures that came from Casa Rosada itself, such as the announcement of the $24,000 bonus and the decree for the Argentine champion’s holiday.

Now, anger adds a new seasoning: the official refusal to abide by the ruling of the Supreme Court on the federal co-participation funds of the City of Buenos Aires that even generated a tweet by Marcos Galperin, founder of Mercado Libre in which he maintains that “the democracy, it’s for the cheetos”, alluding to the measure.

A rebellion led by Alberto Fernández, according to businessmen

This questioning was soon joined by other voices from the local business world, especially based on statements issued by several of the most important sectoral organizations that came out to express their opinions to point out “institutional gravity” that this rebellion led by President Alberto Fernández himself generates when defining new business and investment plans in an Argentina that they consider politically unstable.

In this sense, the Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE) issued a statement entitled “Indispensable respect for the rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.”

Marcos Galperin was one of the first to express his rejection of the presidential decision not to comply with the Court’s ruling

The document expresses the “great concern about the advances of the Executive Branch on the Judicial Branch, altering the much-needed division of powers in our Republic.”

For businessmen grouped in this entity, the recent statements against a decision of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation by the Executive Power bring uncertainty and political, legal and institutional instability “to a country in which those who invest and provide work have fewer and fewer certainties and guarantees.”

In fact, they even say that the unity that society experienced after the world soccer championship in Qatar “is thus undermined by struggles in the Public Power, which shows that it is not up to the task to begin a path of growth.”

Respect the institutions, the key to reactivate investments

From ACDE it is decided to urge the Government to abide by the decisions of the Justice in general and of the Supreme Court of Justice in particular, “as advanced nations do that offer their population a dignified growth, through real respect and indefectible of its Institutions”.

Similarly, the Institute for Argentine Business Development (IDEA) highlighted that “institutional stability” is the main lever to reactivate investments.

The data comes from a survey carried out by the entity among 250 of its partners in which this concern stands out above other problems such as inflation, the labor issue or the tax framework.

There was official rejection of the Supreme Court ruling on the federal co-participation funds of the City of Buenos Aires

In the same paper, “absolute respect for the rulings of justice” is requested and it is maintained that it is “a pillar of democracy and, therefore, of stability in the rules of the game that is essential for private investment to increase and with it employment”.

IDEA executives also questioned President Alberto Fernández’s refusal to abide by the ruling. “It is of unusual institutional gravity and a dangerous precedent for other actors to decide to comply only with those judicial decisions that are favorable to them,” they warned.

For this business sector, it is essential to comply with judicial decisions “in democracy.”

For their part, from the Business Convergence Forum they described as “extreme institutional gravity” the presidential decision not to comply with a ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice.

“Whoever occupies the highest position of the Executive Power, and who, upon assuming it, has sworn to observe and have that Constitution observed, should show exemplary conduct and abide by the decisions of the highest court because not doing so generates an unusual degree of confusion and uncertainty, of extremely serious and negative implications both economically and socially”highlighted from this entity through a statement.

For that reason, urged the executive branch to reconsider its position “in order to avoid the configuration of a situation that, beyond its unpredictable institutional consequences, seriously affects the confidence in the country that requires the investments that are so badly needed.”

IDEA executives questioned President Alberto Fernández’s refusal to abide by the ruling

The men from the countryside adhered to these questions, as recorded in a document issued by the Confederation of Rural Associations of Buenos Aires and La Pampa (Carbap) where it was pointed out that the official rejection is a kind of “institutional coup”.

At the same time, they added that although Alberto Fernández’s decision had no impact on society, among economic actors it has generated legal insecurity and more uncertainty on the eve of a year of high political and electoral content.

“This challenge to the institutional order is even more serious, being promoted by a president who claims to be a man of law,” they warned from Carbap.

For this reason, and like the rest of the business entities, the national authorities are also urged “to reverse this situation that only delays and prevents the normal recovery of our country.”


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