Many plants bloom in May. Weeds and tall grass will also sprout. However, mowing damages nature in certain phases.

Many people want to enjoy spring in the garden and ideally with a beautifully cut lawn. When grass and flowers sprout in spring, lawnmowers can be heard in many gardens, which curb the growth of the plants.

However, the plants are not only weeds, but also wild herbs that provide habitat and food for insects. Mowing the lawn in May, the high spring season, in particular, therefore damages insects and promotes insect mortality.

What is the “mowing-free May”?

The idea of ​​”mowing-free May” originally came from Great Britain. The basic idea deals with how biodiversity can be protected in domestic gardens. If lawn mowers stop in May, plants have time to develop. Wild flowers serve as the main food source for insects. If these are rare, many insects cannot find food and the population decreases. This not only has an impact on insect mortality, but also threatens native birds that can no longer find food.

What are the benefits of wildflower meadows?

Allowing the lawn to grow wild in May will encourage the emergence of habitats and food sources for insects and birds. At the same time, near-natural green spaces store water and cool down their surroundings during hot periods. For garden owners, wildflower meadows also mean less gardening and less water use in the summer. You will also learn about the biodiversity of your environment by observing the growth of native plants.

These plants are often found in wildflower meadows:

  • daisy
  • Groundman
  • speedwell
  • Klee
  • dandelion
  • Margeriten
  • cowslips

Create a wildflower meadow in the garden

By leaving flowering meadows in part of your yard, you are helping biodiversity in your yard. Even a corner in the garden or wild growth islands offer insects food sources. This is how you use your lawn and at the same time create habitats for insects.

Plant wildflower meadow sites with area native seeds to provide suitable food for the insects. The emergence of a flowering meadow can take some time after planting. It often takes a few years for a wildflower meadow to fully grow.

As has been shown, even small changes in mowing behavior help to promote insect diversity and curb insect mortality. Flowering meadows are an easy way to create food sources for insects. Dandelions and daisies are also perfect for a wild herb salad.


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