Cancer taught me that I didn't know how to live

Happy to be in Miami, enjoying the climate and the Hispanic community, especially the Venezuelan community that is part of his roots, the successful businessman and mentor Carlos Malatesta, shared DIARIO LAS AMRICAS the impact of his book Feliza self-help project that he promotes along with seminars, retreats, and reflection spaces in which he shares the keys to his business success and how he was able to overcome stage III cancer.

This life mission arose from the fact that he went through cancer twice. First, in 2015, a moment that was like a wake-up call. At that time they operated on me and removed the tumor. There was no metastasis, so he was somewhat healthy, recalled the author, who acknowledges that after that experience he returned to his life of work, stress, and travel.

I had a lot of bad habits since I was 100% dedicated to growing my company and my projects, and I had a relapse, but this time it was not the same. I had three tumors in the abdominal area and the lymphatic system, so it was a stage III cancer, and – according to my oncologist – I only had a 30% chance of surviving, shared the businessman, who recognizes that that moment began to question everything he did and even his beliefs.

I understood that I didn’t know how to live. And with humility and vulnerability, I went to meet and discover what the people who had the life I wanted to have did. Starting with people who had healed and survived cancer, the mentor said that through his book ‘Feliz He makes it clear to us that anyone who wants to can develop their maximum potential, just as he did.

When I discovered what they did and how they did it, I began to integrate those lifestyle habits into my own life. And I had an enormous and incredible transformation, which allowed me not only to heal from cancer, but to feel much happier and fulfilled, said Carlos Malatesta, who highlighted that although it was a disruptive and very difficult process, it was also renewing.

Embed – Carlos Malatesta Cancer Survivor on Instagram: “When you want to heal from cancer, you have to be willing to do whatever it takes to achieve it, and that includes giving up refined sugar. Since people from different countries follow me, it is important to clarify who I mean by refined sugar: White sugar, table sugar. The bag you buy in the supermarket to add to coffee, cake, etc. Brown or panela sugar I’m very sorry, but this is the same as eating white sugar, alone. than with another color and name. Products that have this ingredient added. THE FRUIT CAN BE CONSUMED The exact quantities for you, your nutritionist or doctor specialized in your personalized plan. Although this post only talks about sugar, I add that. As this ingredient disappears from your kitchen, you should use ultra-processed ones. And then if there is no sugar, what do we use as a substitute? Monk fruit, dates, agave syrup, pure honey, coconut sugar, are some options. My team at @vida_anticancer wrote an article with scientific evidence about it with all the details. Write the word BLOG and I’ll send it to you by direct message #carlosmalatesta #habitosanticancer #seminarioonline #anticancer #alimentacionanticancer #cancerfree #oncologia #medicinaintegrativa”

About Carlos Malatesta

Son of an Italian mother and Venezuelan father, Carlos Malatesta was born in Argentina, but at the age of 8 he emigrated with his family to Venezuela. He lived there throughout his youth, until he graduated from university and decided to emigrate to Europe.

I worked in the oil sector in my country, but what always fascinated me was renewable energy, which at that time was little talked about. So I decided to go to Europe to study for a master’s degree, and in 2003 I started working in Madrid and began a career in the world of solar energy, said the author who worked in that field for 20 years, a period of time in which he also founded his own company in France, the country where he resides with his family.

After surviving cancer, Carlos Malatesta has dedicated himself to promoting altruistic work to educate people in creating habits related to food, well-being and the body-mind relationship, and this is how his different initiatives were born.

Those that he promotes through digital platforms and his own foundation with which he supports organizations that impact children and adolescents in need in Latin America.

More than life habits, I have rituals. And I love sharing them with people who are going through difficult times, or with those who want more from life, concluded the author of Feliza self-help and biographical book in which he shares exercises and fundamental pillars to build a better life, like the ones he shares here.

  • Never go out into life without preparing for it. Have a morning routine that involves investing in yourself first each day, both in your body and in your mind: exercise, meditate, breathe, visualize, and affirm with power.
  • Surround yourself with those who push you upward. You are the average of the 10 people you spend the most time with. Your environment is your main influence, choose wisely who you interact with.
  • The quality of what feeds you (body and mind) directly impacts the quality of the results you generate. Learn to choose nutritious and non-destructive foods and thoughts.

Follow Carlos Malatesta on his social profiles as @carlosmalatestaoficial or by visiting

IG @camilamendozaa

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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