Canela TV presents navidea program

MIAMI.- Canela Media announced its Christmas collection titled Family Partiesa programming that shows the joy of the season in the different sections of Canela.TV, through movies, series and music. The content will be available until January 6 and is suitable for the whole family.

Canela.TV will offer a variety of original content that represents the essence of unity, joy and magic, with the aim of making the holidays unforgettable.

Likewise, for families who prefer to celebrate faith during the Christmas season The Spirit of Christmas is a collection of content that includes some classic movies like Jesus of Nazarethwith Julin Gil and Gaby Espino, epic stories with King David and Samson and Delilahas well as programming for children with StoryBook Christmas: A Christmas Story.

Within the Canela.TV application, the Canela Kids section will offer entertainment designed specifically for children with the collection Celebrate the Holidays.

While Canela Music will light up the Christmas spirit with a special list of music to sing and enjoy with the whole family in the collections: Is Christmas Karaoke set up? y Some December Corriditos. Likewise, celebrate with a Christmas concert with exclusive presentations in Regional Wonderland.

Likewise, with the aim of celebrating the best of 2023, Put Cinnamon on it! y Canela News They will review the most shocking stories of the year with a series of specials.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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