Carlo Costanzia charges against his parents like never before: I was never happy

Carlo Costanzia, the son of Mar Flores and Count Carlo Costanzia Di Costigliole, will give this Friday, January 10, his most revealing interview on the program De Viernes! hosted by Beatriz Archidona and Santi Acosta on Telecinco. A television comeback that promises to cause a lot of talk, just as the preview offered by Mediaset is already doing. The young man’s words could make his parents tremble, as his closest circle assures: It’s going to destroy her mother, she has never wanted to talk about that stage of her life.

I have come to blame them for everything that happens to me, advances Carlo Costanzia. The Toy Boy actor claims that he lived a nightmare during his childhood and that he has no family references. My childhood was difficult, I have never been happy. At school, the elders insulted me. They are brutal things and strong insults to my motherhe continues saying in the preview of what will be his most controversial interview since he rose to fame.

His problems with alcohol and drugs, substances that he tried when he was only ten years old, led to another trauma that also considerably affected the forging of his rebellious character. It should be remembered that Carlo Costanzia spent six months in a rehabilitation center and more than eight years receiving specialized care: I go to a center every week. I have therapy with the psychologist and they see through some tests that I do not consume anything, not even hashish.

His problems with justice

Last June, the model also He was convicted of a continued crime of aggravated fraud through a business related to high-end cars. According to the court, the young man created a company for the sale, import, export and rental of automobiles that located clients and vehicles and offered them fictitiously.


  • With a criminal record, Carlo Costanzia will go directly to prison after being sentenced to 21 months in prison for a continued crime of aggravated fraud.

  • Carlo Costanzia charges against his parents like never before: I was never happy

    Mar Flores’ son reappears on Antena 3 after the Provincial Court of Malaga ratified his sentence to two years in prison.

An action for which Carlo Costanzia rHe received a sentence of twenty-one months in prison and a fine of five months with a daily fee of six euros. with subsidiary personal liability in the case of non-payment of one day of deprivation of liberty for every two unpaid installments.

I’m calm because in theory I’m not going to go to jail. I have been serving a sentence for four months in the third degree regime with a telematic bracelet that they gave me for a previous conviction. They have joined them and I am paying, he himself explained during his last intervention on the program And now Sonsoles. Mar Flores’ son confirms that he has returned one hundred thousand euros to the victims, but only fifty-one thousand euros went into my account. I believed at all times that it was legal money that came from a legal company, he defends himself.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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