Carlos Anaya, a trip to Israel that strengthens the soul

MIAMI.- We spoke with the communicator and presenter of Spiritual Coffee and collaborator of First impact Carlos Anaya about his trip to Israel, invited by Conexión Israel, during the days of the latent threat from Iran and war with Hamas and Hezbollah, when many did not dare to go.

Anaya, who is the founder of the wellness platform Spiritual Coffee @carlosanayatvhas important distinctions for his outstanding work as an inspirer of personal growth and cultural activism.

-From Israel he reported the tense calm that exists in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the towns neighboring the border with Gaza and Lebanon.

This trip to Israel was more than just news coverage. It was a deeply meaningful spiritual experience for me. Despite the tensions and threats in the region, I felt a palpable resilience among the people of Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the areas near Gaza and Lebanon. It was as if their souls were connected in a fight for peace and hope. As founder of Spiritual Coffeemy purpose is to amplify these voices of light and consciousness, and this trip further reaffirmed that mission in my heart.

-After your return to the United States, how do you perceive the situation around Israel and the Palestinians?

Returning to the United States after this experience has allowed me to reflect on the complexity and delicacy of the situation in Israel and Palestine. The need for understanding and empathy between both sides is more evident than ever, and I feel an even stronger call to work towards reconciliation and peace.

-Of the places you visited, tell us about your impression when you visited the commune of Be’eri, where 130 people were murdered, houses burned, and at least fifty were kidnapped by Hamas.

Visiting Be’eri was a powerful experience that moved me deeply. Seeing the physical and emotional scars left by Hamas attacks reminded me of the fragility of life and the urgency of seeking peaceful solutions. Hearing the survivors’ stories was a powerful reminder of the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

-He also went to the esplanade where the Nova music concert was being held, where more than 360 young people were murdered and about 45 kidnapped by Hamas.

The Nova music concert was a heartbreaking moment that I will never forget. Talking to the victims’ families and witnessing the pain and loss firsthand left an indelible mark on my heart. I felt a responsibility to give a voice to those who can no longer speak and to share their stories with the world.

-What was your most personal experience during that trip?

The deep connection I made with the everyday people I met along the way. Hearing their stories of hope and resilience reminded me of the strength of the human spirit and inspired me to move forward on my own journey of growth and transformation.

-He prepared to make that trip, even against the will of people close to him because of the danger it could represent. He even paid for life insurance.

Preparing for this trip was a difficult decision, especially given the concerns of my loved ones. However, I felt it was important to confront the challenges and tell the stories of people affected by the conflict. Life insurance was a necessary precaution, but my faith in the spiritual mission that brought me there was even more powerful. I am more determined than ever to continue sharing messages of hope and love with the world.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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