Carmen Lomana, about Isabel Preysler's documentary: It's perfect for taking a nap

In it deluge of docuseries that run through the life of influencers y socialits, Isabel Preysler: My Christmas has been presented as what will presumably be the last of the year. Far from what could be expected from a personality who has been in that world for decades, The production of two chapters has not enjoyed good criticism. To the reviews of all types of newspapers are added the forceful words of another who knows this universe well, Carmen Lomana. She was asked for her opinion and it was sincere and direct.

First he spoke in Public Mirror. And then he did it again in The Rock. The conclusion is the same: he didn’t like her at all. I’ve already had to see it through the nose. It is perfect for taking a nap, it is very flat. He hasn’t told us anything, it’s as if you read Hola!asserts Lomana, who hesitates with the content of the docuseries: he has not told anything about his life, his loves… You will see the garden, the pool, the armchairs, the domestic service, which I think are extras because it cannot be that there are so many people living alone..

When asked if that was something personal, Lomana was also blunt in pointing out that the Filipino has never spoken badly about anyone or anything. Have you ever seen her commit to the moment in which she lives? Have you ever seen her make a political, economic or social comment?, he questioned. Then he said: he must have put me to shame in his house, but he doesn’t say anything publicly. She seems to me to be a woman in her style, who is at the opposite of what I am.

The breakfast of discord

The presenter of the format in which Lomana released her opinion this Sunday, Nuria Roca, responded to these statements by summarizing the businesswoman’s message. Oh! that you didn’t like, he said, to which Lomana responded by bringing up one of the most talked about parts of the docuseries for debate. Breakfast. They asked me what I thought. I said that her breakfast robe looked horrible, that it matched the curtains. And that breakfast was depressingto be honest.

But Isabel Preysler’s first meal of the day was going to be much more. And Lomana continued his personal review of her. A lot of glasses on a very ugly tray. There was Jamaican water juice, grapefruit juice, kiwi juice…he lists, before settling his description of this scene: It is a laxative breakfast.

There was still artillery. No croissant, no nothing. He gave me a pity…he commented, adding a personal anecdote that ended up dispelling any doubts, if any, about his opinion of the food: There was a moment when my friend left and came back with a tray with a potato omelet, a sandwich… He had gotten hungry from seeing that breakfast.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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