Carmen Machi, protagonist of Celeste, the series inspired by Shakira and her problems with the Treasury

Movistar Plus prepares the launch of a series that is going to give a lot of talk. His name is Celeste and its protagonist is called Carmen Machi. The fiction created by Diego San Jose tells the story of a renowned Treasury inspector with more than 30 years of experience in the sector, who is very close to retiring. A decision that she postpones, given that she is presented with one of the most important cases of her career: prove that a Latin music star has defrauded the Spanish Treasury.

Many agree that this series is inspired by the scandal that affected Shakira, who finally recognized the tax fraud and accepted a three-year prison sentence, which he will not serve as he has no criminal record. For it, Machi will get into Sara Santano’s skin to tickle Celestean international mass phenomenon that evaded paying its taxes in Spain.

It has been an immense gift

Article 9 of the Personal Income Tax Law 35/2006 establishes that the taxpayer has his habitual residence in Spain when he stays more than 183 days in our territory, according to the first preview of the series. More than 183 days is repeated several times, given that it is the figure that defines a person as a tax resident on Spanish soil.. Shakira always claimed that she spent less than 183 days in our country between 2012 and 2014, investigated years where she defrauded more than ten million euros, according to the Prosecutor’s Office.

For now, The identities of the other cast members and the release date are unknown, although it is scheduled to land on Movistar screens this year. Machi expressed his joy for the trust placed by Diego San Jos. It has been an immense gift. When Diego called me to tell me that he had written something thinking of me, I was very excited. He has created a character full of silences and a lot of tomato, which is also surrounded by fantastic casting. Elena Trap, well-known filmmaker, will direct the series, which will have six episodes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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