Carmen Otte's decision to mark distances with Juan Ortega

The life of Carmen Otte and Juan Ortega It changed forever a little over a week ago. After the bullfighter’s fright, A curtain of uncertainty has fallen over a relationship that is now impossible to separate from the media spectrum. From the reason for the sit-in to the future of both, passing through the intentions of one and the plans of the other. Although a certain hermeticism has characterized the actions of both during the last few days, the truth is that little by little some details are coming to light whose meaning could be really illuminating.

The team of TardeAR He has traveled to the couple’s neighborhood and has managed to contact a neighbor whose testimony has left a speck of indelible confusion in the theories of many. Although neither of them have visited the home since the scare occurred, I know that relatives have come to collect some things from the property.; There are several means that relate this fact to a possible breakup.

From hanging up the phone to a vow of silence

Along these lines, Leticia Requejo, journalist and collaborator of the format presented by Ana Rosa Quintana, has emphasized that the bullfighter has called Otte several times in recent days, but that the cardiologist would have chosen not to pick up the phone. This decision, she says, results in a distancing marked by the bride.

This disconnection would have occurred at the same time that she took refuge in her family and friends, who would have even advised her, according to Requejo, that She would take advantage of the free days she already had scheduled for the honeymoon to go somewhere with her friends. where the episode of the nuptial abandonment did not knock on the door of his mind.


Furthermore, as stated ReadingsOtte’s own inner circle would have also decided to adopt a kind of vow of silence to form a piasince cardiology continues destroyed and sunken. She always got A’s, she always had to be the best. He did everything so that his life was perfect, everything has always been directed so that it would go well for him. That her future husband left her at the altar, that this happened to her, must have been a hard blow.they point from the environment.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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