Ceciarmy suffers a collapsed lung and is rushed to the hospital

Ceciarmy is in the news again. The content creator, who enjoys great popularity on social networks despite keeping his identity in the most absolute anonymity, has suffered in recent hours a serious health setback that has led him to be rushed to the hospital. This is how he explains it himself through his Instagram profile where he has more than three million followers.

Yesterday on the AVE on the way to Madrid I collapsed my lungs and was rushed to the hospital, Ceciarmy begins by writing. Now they have to intervene again and I don’t know what the hell is happening, he continues telling. Along with these messages, the content creator publishes an image where he is seen lying on the stretcher receiving medical attention at a hospital.

Of course, Ceciarmy publishes this snapshot without showing his face as is customary for him. Despite his great popularity, he remains very wary of his fan community knowing his true appearance. Usually, this young Andalusian chooses to show himself with a balaclava or use images of the rapper Cecilio G.


Ceciarmy recounts what happened on social networks.

His wide impact on networks has led him to collaborate with renowned fast food companies or with such popular characters in our country as Omar Montes or Belén Esteban, among others. He has also posed on more than one occasion with Isabel Díaz Ayuso herself. In addition, it has its own awards, the Army Awards.

As surgi Ceciarmy

The history of Ceciarmy dates back to 2016 when This young man from Granada, 20 years old, created the account in honor of the rapper Cecilio G. Thanks to his particular sense of humor, this profile became a veritable meme factory that compiled the most viral content of the day. In just a few months, followers began to triple by thousands.

Little by little, the content creator was acquiring greater prominence in his publications leaving memes aside to make more personal content. The figures he manages on social networks have allowed him to create his own company to bill through it.

From Reason Why they report that the influencer registered the company Ceciarmy, SL in 2020 with a company name in Granada. In November 2022, it changed its name to Global Gold Market, SL and moved it to Seville. Jorge Sez Jimnez-Casquet is the sole administrator.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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