Chad McCrary, the bodybuilder who ended up in a wheelchair due to an accident, dies

The world of bodybuilding and social networks mourn the death of Chad McCrarythe bodybuilder who thrilled the entire world with his story of improvement, because At the age of 30, he suffered a motocross accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down.. An accident that did not lead him to give up his life as a bodybuilder despite remaining in a wheelchair.

Now, his fans mourn his death at 49 years of age. Sad news that his brother Lance gave, through a statement in which he also thanked all of Chad’s followers for the messages of support and affection that the family is receiving.

A news that was confirmed days later by Bisandris, a portal specialized in fitness, in which they lamented his loss: It is with great sadness that I report the passing of Chad McCrary.. Chad won multiple NPC shows and finally made it to the prestigious Mr. Olympia stage.


  • The Barcelona Court will judge the events of February 5 to 7. The Prosecutor’s Office asks for 9 years for the soccer player, the complainant, 12.

Regarding the cause of death, at the moment neither his family nor the rest of his immediate environment have commented, although there are different theories about it, such as that it could have been due to a heart attack, or an accident.

It became an example of improvement

Chad McCrary was considered a celebrity who managed to overcome adversity, and who continued training and working to finish becoming a benchmark in the world, and an example of improvement. After suffering the accident, he decided to stay positive and work hard, and thus managed to win over thousands of people.

And he not only dedicated himself to the world of bodybuilding, but His story became so deep that he decided to become a motivational coach.because he believed that in this way he could help more people, serving as an example for many more people who have had to face a similar setback.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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