Chris Hemsworth receives star on Hollywood Walk of Fame

MIAMI.- Chris Hemsworth they are devel estrella in the iconic Hall of Fame of Hollywood in a ceremony with his wife, actress Elsa Pataky, and their children, as well as in the company of friends from the industry such as Robert Downey Jr. and Anya Taylor-Joy.

During the tribute organized by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, the actor who has given life to famous characters such as Thor, dedicated the recognition to his family, especially to his wife, who he assured has sacrificed some wishes for Hemsworth to achieve his dreams.

“I want to thank my beautiful wife, who has been by my side for basically my entire career, encouraging and supporting me endlessly. And I don’t forget that she put aside her own dreams to support mine and, again, always be there.” indebted to you,” he said.

Regarding his children, the 40-year-old performer stated that they have been an important source of inspiration.


At the ceremony, Oscar winner Robert Downey Jr. dedicated a few words to his colleague and co-star in the Marvel Avengers saga. In a joking tone, the actor described how his other classmates described him.

“First, (Jeremy) Renner says it’s incredibly and absurdly annoying. (Mark) Ruffalo comes with a strong: Coworkers. Scarlett (Johansson) got to the heart of the matter with a sensitive young lady protagonist. And Captain America called him the Second best Chris, he said with a laugh.

For his part, director George Miller confessed that he has known Chris’s parents for many years, he even highlighted that Craig Hemsworth (Chris’s father) was a motorcycle fan and participated in a casting to be a stuntman in the first installment of the Mad Max saga; However, I never imagined that he would end up working with his son.

“He was never in the film because he went to university, and there he met Leonie (the actor’s mother) and they both ended up being social workers and working with children with difficulties.

He highlighted that after his participation in Angry, I was: “incredibly impressed by how he works, beyond all expectations.”

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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