Christmas Lottery 2023 announcement: what time does it come out, when does it premiere and where can you watch?

The lines at the lottery administrations are getting longer and longer as the proximity to the most anticipated draw of the year is increasing. Luck is already being shared and who knows if one of those tenths from work or the one shared with fifteen friends could be the prize. Almost as much expectation as The release of the drum balls prompts the traditional Christmas announcement, whose theme for 2023 we are about to learn about.

Loteras y Apuestas del Estado will officially launch what is usually one of the most emotional audiovisual pieces of the pre-Christmas period on Wednesday, November 15. We still do not know the common thread or the interpreters who will appear in the story. We will have to wait until 11 in the morning of the aforementioned which time the Royal Mint of Madrid will host the advertising campaign for the draw.

In addition to the live broadcast, the Loteras y Apuestas del Estado website will also broadcast on streaming both the presentation and the first broadcasts of the advertisement. A moment that, if it maintains the line of recent years, will be one of the most talked about until the draw is held.

Some of the most remembered

It is, without a doubt, difficult to achieve a level of consolidation in the collective imagination like that of the famous bald guy from the lottery or that of the lottery dog ​​Pancho, but many of the Christmas Lottery advertisements that have been done in recent years are still remembered. Here is Christmas, put your dreams to play, which Montserrat Caball, Raphael, Marta Sánchez, David Bustamante and Nia Pastori performed in 2013, still resonates in the heads of many viewers.

A retired teacher who won the Gordo on December 21, a night security guard or the owner of a bar were the protagonists of the most notable pieces of the 1910s. Last year the sentimentalism went much further with the praise of deep values like solidarity or friendship.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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