Colon cancer can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle

MIAMI.- He cancer colon or colorectal cancer is the third disease most common and also the third most important cause of death from this disease, in USA, Therefore, institutions and specialists call for deepening the prevention during 2024, when World Day against this cellular condition that afflicts the entire world is celebrated on March 31.

It is estimated that 106,590 new cases may appear in the country (54,210 cases in men and 52,380 in women), and cause the death of 53,010 this year, according to the American Cancer Society.

And although the rate of older people diagnosed with colon or rectal cancer has decreased for three decades, due to awareness of the condition, the rate in those under 50 years of age has increased, so men and women should be aware of the symptoms and measures to prevent the appearance of this type of cancer or treat it in time.

Colon cancer is often diagnosed in advanced stages when treatment options are very limited, according to specialists, and therefore tests should be done at 45 years of age, medical organizations recommended, while campaigns were carried out around the world for the prevention.

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Symptoms of colon cancer

It is believed that colon cancer does not necessarily present symptoms in the early stages, which is why the WHO recommends people, especially under 50 years of age, to be alert for signs considered common symptoms.

These are:

*Appearance of blood in the stool, whether bright red or dark.

*Intestinal changes such as diarrhea, constipation or narrowing of stools.

*Abdominal cramps, pain or swelling that do not go away.

*Sudden weight loss for no reason and without trying.

*Constant tiredness and lack of energy, even with enough rest.

*Iron deficiency anemia, due to chronic bleeding and causing fatigue, weakness and paleness.

Prevention, change lifestyle

As it has been medically determined that obesity, frequent consumption of processed foods and a sedentary lifestyle are three of the high risk factors for colon cancer, gastroenterologist doctors recommend measures to avoid them.

A family history of certain genetic conditions, such as Lynch syndrome and familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP), as well as a personal history, may also be risky.

In principle, obesity, which is a pre-inflammatory state, should be combated by avoiding the consumption of meats and other ultra-processed products and replacing it with healthy foods. You have to change your lifestyle

“Cell division is never the same as in a normal basal state and we must know that the turnover rate of colon or intestinal cells is the second fastest turnover rate in the body, after the skin,” explained the gastroenterologist. José Di Giorgio.

Essential tests

He pointed out two essential diagnostic tests for prevention.

The first, the blood test or occult human albumin in feces, a non-invasive test that is easy for the patient to access.

The other, colonoscopy, which is a decisive test and “allows us to detect not only colon cancer but also lesions that can be potentially risky and that can be removed with the procedure and prevent cancer in the future,” explained the doctor.

Although middle-aged people are more likely to play sports, Di Giorgio recommended early diagnosis. The age of clinical guidelines changed from 50 years to 45 years of age. “An increase in rectal and sigmoid (colon) cancer has been seen in younger patients, and early detection of lesions that are premalignant must be done to prevent these patients from developing colon cancer in the future.”

“The earlier colon cancer appears in life, the later it tends to be more aggressive,” he warned.

Source: With information from WHO, American Cancer Society, account X by María Laura García

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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