A The decision was taken by Judge Alexandre de Moraes, who ordered the Telegram platform to exclude, within one hour, messages sent by the company regarding the bill that deals with the regulation of social network providers and message exchange services private.

In the same decision, the judge determined that the company must send its users new content explaining that the previously sent message characterized flagrant and illicit misinformation.

In case of non-compliance, the company’s activities must be suspended for a period of 72 hours, with the imposition of a fine of 500 thousand reais (91.8 thousand euros) per hour.

The judicial reaction responds to a statement sent the day before by the Telegram Brasil account to its users, in which it maintains that “democracy is being attacked in Brazil” by this legislative project against disinformation.

The statement also claims that the anti-‘fake news’ bill will “kill the modern internet” in Brazil and could force companies like Telegram to stop providing their services.

The note released by Telegram had already provoked a response from the Government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, which supports the bill in question and which announced that it would adopt “legal measures”, since “no foreign company is greater than the sovereignty of the country” , according to the Minister of Social Communication, Paulo Pimenta.

Last week, Google also used its services to criticize the bill, which is pending in the Chamber of Deputies, and the government forced the company to remove the text from its platforms.

According to the Minister of Justice, Flávio Dino, Google used its “economic power” to promote an “abusive and misleading campaign” against the bill and against a “parliamentary and democratic” debate that seeks to contain the massive circulation of disinformation on the Internet. .

Also Read: Court annuls decision that suspended Telegram application in Brazil

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