Creative consultant triumphs from Miami with his global proposal

MIAMI.- Providing more value, building solid brands and providing solutions to improve client results are the challenges set by Venezuelan Daniel Russo Vecchio, founder of Creative Lingua: a creative, strategy and business consulting company founded in 2016 in Miami and which has recently received various recognitions.

The Davey, Marcom, Muse and EduAdAwards are part of the awards that Russo has obtained in the United States for the creation of brands and campaigns for local clients in the American and Hispanic markets.

“The awards are the result of teamwork, which involves the client as an integral part of the project and our team. It is a way of saying that it is always possible, that all the efforts made, the details that are sought to have, the Going further until you exhaust any resource is worth it. All the recognitions received this year are a great source of pride because they are international awards for work in the American market; therefore, I am very grateful and committed to continuing to do quality work, with “You are looking to participate again,” the Venezuelan declared to DIARIO LAS AMRICAS.

New trends

Based in Miami, Vecchio seeks to reflect from his company the new trend in creative consulting, which incorporates the best of an advertising agency with the ideals of a consulting firm. The mix of cultures, being outside of his country and environment, the rapid advance of trends and social differences are some of the challenges that Daniel faces, knowing that he must continue to stand up for it.

“There are excellent trends and much to do in marketing, knowing that it is essential to understand the changes in cultural, social and economic processes that impact consumers globally. There is a lot that is happening such as the boiling of Artificial Intelligence, the homogenization of social networks, the hyper-personalization of the experiential, among many other trends,” explained the businessman.

Keys to executing when working from Miami

Considering the current reality and his role as leader of Creative Lingua, Russo identifies three key points when executing the work: the client’s need, their point of view and best approach.

“My participation as a leader includes working on the client’s need for their brand, their point of view and seeking to have the best approach for the idea they have in mind. Putting together a good brief, which means being able to clearly extract those requirements for the project with precise details, looking for the necessary edges to achieve a good final product. In addition, guide all the strategic effort, planning, research and guidelines so that the creative teams, both conceptualizers and design, can integrate what is necessary and thus have an optimal result,” he revealed, highlighting that his professional axes move between learning and teaching. .

2024: opportunity to grow

For this Venezuelan, 2024 is a new opportunity to continue growing, focus and achieve goals both professionally and personally. Therefore, Vecchio’s invitation is to work, help those who need it, be grateful and celebrate the achievements that are obtained.

At this moment I remain focused on providing value to my clients and developing various projects. One of them refers to the impact that brands have on employees and how to improve their work environment, as well as their influence on the companies’ results. I am also working on sustainability issues as an area that consumers are asking for more every day. In addition to sales content, such as the role of the buyer in the process during their time at the point of sale and how to leave them with a positive feeling in the process,” the businessman said.

That’s why I keep moving forward, but seeing very well where to step,” said Daniel Russo Vecchio.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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