the vice president Cristina Kirchner He returned to show himself publicly this afternoon by leading the closing of the day of the III World Forum on Human Rights, where he spoke together with leaders of the regional center-left about the “political-judicial persecution” against him.

In this context, he indicated that lawfare is “what the military party was to the popular governments” of the 20th century and he maintained that it is applied today “to the popular, national and democratic governments” of the 21st century.

“The lawfares is what the military party was to the popular governments of the 20th century, to the national and democratic popular governments of the 21st century. Exactly the same,” the Vice President emphasized when heading the meeting organized by the Puebla Group at the III World Forum on Human Rights.

And he added that it is “necessary recover a judicial system” to “face the dramas of our time” and “rebuild a country that we once had” with a “democratic and constitutional State”.

“I am not interested in whether they are going to condemn me, disable me or put me in prison. I care that we go back to building a democratic and constitutional State in which the guarantees are not painted cardboard. I am interested in going back to building a country that we once had, as it was Peronism did last century”, stressed Cristina Kirchner.

The vice president also pointed out that for “fight” against drug trafficking “first” you have to face the “Finance system“, which, he said, “washes the money from the narco.”

“This neoliberalism allows the entry of the other great drama that is drug trafficking. If we have to fight against drug trafficking, first we have to fight against the financial system that launders the drug money,” he said.

CFK on the panel that had her as the main figure.

CFK criticizes Mauricio Macri

The vice president also questioned the government of Mauricio Macri when noting that “the GDP they took with the IMF and we still don’t know where it is”when referring to one of the usual slogans of the opposition against the administrations of Kirchnerism.

CFK stated that from the macrismo “they came to convince that everything that had been achieved was the product of leaders who were corrupt and had stolen”, and added that the objective of the lawfare is “not only to reimpose an economic model but also to discipline the leaders of the national and popular camp”.

In addition, he opined that Macri “delivered the country made a hanger in 2019”, when he had received a country in 2015 “without debt”, with “reserves in the Central Bank” and “real wages were not lagging behind”.

“The new wave of neoliberalism that began in December 2015 in Argentina began to build the theory of ‘they took everything’ and that they had to contract debt to pay the debt they received. In 2015 there was no debt, not even from companies, There was no State, no families. The IMF was not there either. In addition, there were reserves in the Central Bank and real wages were not lagging behind. So, do you want to tell me what they did in four years that They delivered the country made hanger in 2019?said the vice president.

Panel on lawfare with former presidents

In the panel that was held at the Kirchner Cultural Center (CCK), the former president was accompanied by the former presidents of Bolivia Evo Morales; from Ecuador Rafael Correa; Ernesto Samper from Colombia; and from Spain José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero.

The renowned jurist and former Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón also took part in the activity; the historian and social communicator Silvina Romano; the lawyer of the Latin American Council of Justice and Democracy (CLAJUD-Brasil) Gisele Ribocom; the national deputy Eduardo Valdés; and the coordinator of the Puebla Group, the Chilean Marco Enríquez-Ominami, among others.


Cristina Kirchner: "The lawfare is what the military party was to the popular governments of the 20th century"

Cristina Kirchner, with the Judiciary under the magnifying glass

Popular will and democracy: From the military party to the judicial party, threats to democracy“, was the title of the table led by Cristina Kirchner and which is focused on her judicial situation.

Originally, the Puebla Group’s support for the head of the Senate was scheduled for last December 12, that is, days after the Federal Criminal Oral Court No. 2 sentenced her to six years in prison and perpetual disqualification from exercising public officials in the Highway case.

However, after contracting coronavirus, Cristina Kirchner had to postpone the activity -which was going to be the meeting point for a mobilization of Kirchnerism- and December 19 had been set as a new date, but it could not take place either because the day before The Argentine National Team was crowned champion in the World Cup in Qatar 2022.

Now, just over three months after the original date, Cristina Kirchner finally received the support of the Puebla Group for her sentence.


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