Cuban doctor popularizes effective acne treatment in Miami

MIAMI.- “The lesions left by acne on the face can damage self-esteem and confidence.” This is how categorical the Cuban doctor is Maite Noguera when it comes to expressing the consequences of acne, a condition that causes ridicule and destructive criticism and can even become the trigger for complexes and depression to emerge for those who suffer from it.

“Studies have proven that people who suffer from acne feel less attractive, less reliable, successful or self-confident,” Maite Noguera, a health professional specializing in skin conditions, told DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS.

A unique and personalized protocol

In the opinion of the Cuban doctor, owner of Maite Noguera Aesthetic Center, having acne in adolescence does not have the same implications as suffering from it in adulthood, for this reason the beauty and well-being expert gains popularity thanks to her successful personalized treatments with which promotes a unique protocol that has been the result of its general medicine studies applied in countries such as Cuba and Venezuelaand her constant training as an expert in facial care in the United States.

“I cannot specify in detail how we resolve each case since these are personalized procedures, but I can say that the basis of our protocol is based on deep cleaning and the use of topical products, which are medications or treatments that are applied directly on the skin with the aim of treating local conditions or providing symptomatic relief in a specific area of ​​the body,” he revealed.

“Acne occurs for different reasons, but if we focus on the period of adolescence, which begins between 11 and 13 years old, the root of the condition is usually hormonal. That is why after the age of 11, children should have their own soap with which to clean their face day and night. And if at that age they begin to suffer from acne, said soap must be exfoliating and contain salicylic acid. On the other hand, they should clean their face regularly since hormonal development generates excess fat. “A situation that causes the pore to stop breathing and become clogged,” the expert recommended.

Beyond talking about symptoms, Maite Noguera’s patients share their experiences, and even some emotional scars left by acne.

“There are patients who do not dare to go out without makeup, because they do not feel safe to do so,” said Maite Noguera, however, she also expressed that the vast majority of the cases she receives have a solution, as long as there is a commitment. to carry out treatment in a responsible and disciplined manner.

If you want to know more about Maite Noguera and her results, visit the Instagram account @maitenoguera_center.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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