Daniel Sancho, a few days before his trial: There is no evidence for the death penalty

There are just three days left until the long-awaited trial of Daniel Sancho begins in which he will be tried for the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon, Edwin Arrieta. The hearing will begin next April 9 and will likely extend until May 3. The Spaniard remains in provisional prison since last August waiting to hear the sentence of the Thai justice system, which could be a life sentence or, in the worst case, the death penalty.

However, the young man remains optimistic considering that capital punishment is further away than close. This is transmitted through his lawyer Carmen Balfagn in statements to Antena 3: He is looking forward to the trial beginning (…) There is no evidence for death sentences or life imprisonment. A message of tranquility that is in the same line as the one given a few days ago by Marcos García Montes on Telecinco where he made it clear that the son of Rodolfo Sancho and Silvia Bronchalo is calm and well.

Daniel Sancho insists that Edwin Arrieta’s death was accidental after a struggle between the two that occurred when the Spaniard wanted to end his romantic relationship with the Colombian. However, the Thai Prosecutor’s Office maintains that the cook acted with premeditation, drawing up a Machiavellian plan to end the doctor’s life.


Daniel Sancho Bronchalo, detained in Thailand.DAILYNEWSvia REUTERS

For its part, the prosecution has a total of Fifty-three pieces of evidence that will demonstrate that Rodolfo Sancho’s son prepared everything thoroughly.; from the purchase of several knives and garbage bags previously to the rental of a kayak with which he would have transported part of Arrieta’s mortal remains.

Daniel Sancho, insolvent

The victim’s parents will not be able to testify at the trial by decision of the provincial court of Koh Samui despite the fact that the option of intervening by videoconference had been put on the table from Colombia. They allege the time difference and that they do not have telematic resources to carry out the videoconference, but the court, very friendly, has offered two alternatives: that we provide all the documentation that the parents were going to ratify or that someone close can testify, explains Juan Gonzalo Ospina, lawyer for the Arrieta family.

In the midst of this context, the jurist once again highlights in La Razón the bad economic situation that the victim’s parents are experiencing since their son died, in a situation of poverty. Edwin Arrieta’s parents and sister claim Daniel Sancho compensation of 410,000 euros in civil liability that the Spaniard would not be willing to pay.

We know that this payment is going to be impossible or, surely, not be fully charged because Daniel Sancho is insolvent. Regardless of what we know that legally corresponds to us, we are aware that the amount requested is difficult to collect, concludes the lawyer in the aforementioned medium.

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Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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