You are currently viewing Daniel Sancho’s last request to the Thai police before entering prison

Every day more information comes to light regarding the case of Daniel Sancho. The young man is accused of having murdered and dismembered the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. A case that has already been a month since it became known and in which the Spanish chef could even be sentenced to capital punishment.

It is now that the images of the crime reconstructionwhere you can see Daniel recreating everything that happened at the time of the murder with the Thai agents, and where the young man also explains step by step everything that happened after the death of Edwin Arrieta.

But, also, from ‘And now Sonsoles’ they have delved into those videos, where you can see Daniel worried about his belongingsand it is because he had among his things a sombrero which belonged to his grandfather, the charismatic actor Sancho Grace.

His grandfather’s hat, a very precious asset to him

An object that, despite what it may seem, is of great value to Daniel Sancho, who wants to keep it at all costs, and that has led him to make a request to the Thai police before entering the Koh Samui prison. : “Can you take care of the hat? Because it was my grandfather’s and I don’t want to lose it.”.

A hat that was in the hotel room where Sancho was staying and whose exact location and condition is unknown. Nonetheless, Your request has already been registered and it is now when researchers could take action regarding it.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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