Danny Masterson transferred to a prison in San Luis Obispo

MIAMI.- Danny Mastersonfamous for starring in the series That 70’s Show and that he was sentenced to 30 years of prison for sexually assaulting two women twenty years ago, he was transferred to the Men’s Colony of California of San Luis Obispo.

Since his sentencing, the actor He was being held at Corcoran State Prison in Corcoran. This penitentiary center is known as one of the most dangerous prisons in the country, according to reports. TMZ.

The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation notes that the California Men’s Colony is a medium to minimum security prison, and has two separate housing facilities.

TMZ does not know if Masterson will be in custody in the East or West Center of the penitentiary, but noted that both have a self-help and academic program, which aims to provide inmates with professional skills and personal development tools.

Likewise, the place has counseling on substance use and provides therapies for those seeking to improve their mental health or control anger.

“Corcoran – a maximum security penitentiary – was once home of the deceased Charles Manson, and currently houses some of the state’s deadliest criminals. In 2017, Manson died of acute heart failure and colon cancer while serving a life sentence for the infamous murder of Sharon Tate,” TMZ adds.

Danny Masterson’s conviction

In September, Danny Masterson was sentenced to serve 30 years in prison for the rape of two women two decades ago.

Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Charlaine F. Olmedo handed down the sentence to Masterson, 47, after hearing statements from the women about the trauma they experienced and the suffering caused by disturbing memories of the event.

Masterson had been incarcerated since May 2023, and on June 1, the jury found him guilty of two counts of rape. However, the group was unable to reach a verdict on the third charge, which alleged that Masterson raped a girlfriend with whom he had a long relationship. They voted 8-4 to find him guilty.

In this trial the Church of Scientology played a central role, as the Prosecutor’s Office alleged that the interpreter used his prominence in the institution to avoid consequences for decades. The victims were also members of said congregation.

The authorities indicated that the actor drugged them with drinks so he could rape them.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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