Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects 422 million people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). High levels of glucose (sugar) in the blood can cause a number of symptoms, such as increased thirst and dry mouth, fatigue, nausea and blurred vision, for example.

However, two specific signs can be observed by patients attentive to changes in behavior in the bathroom: a significant increase in the urge to urinate and frequent urinary infections.

Need to urinate frequently

Increased blood glucose is one of the causes of this signal. It forces fluid out of the cells, increasing the amount of fluid delivered to the kidneys, thus increasing the urge to urinate. Going to the bathroom several times a day and/or night, being overweight and having a sedentary life are signs to investigate the presence of diabetes, according to the Brazilian Society of Urology (SBU).

genital infections

The large amount of sugar circulating in the blood favors the proliferation of microorganisms and suppresses the action of the immune system, which contributes to the onset of infection symptoms in men and women. The main ones are candidiasis, urinary tract infection and fungus. tinea cruris.

Burning sensation when peeing and cloudy urine, in addition to the presence of blood, are some signs that deserve attention.

“The recognition of these signs is fundamental for the conduct and resolution to be taken. Prostate problems in men in this age group (between 50 and 60 years old) are very common, however, we have to remember that the symptoms can also be caused by diabetes”, warns endocrinologist Marcos Troian in an interview with the SBU website.

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Other symptoms of type 1 diabetes:

  • Constant thirst;
  • frequent hunger;
  • Weight loss;
  • Weakness;
  • Fatigue;
  • mood swings;
  • Nervousness;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomit.

The symptoms of type 2 diabetes are similar to type 1, but are usually less pronounced. They can also include:

  • Blurry vision;
  • Difficulty in wound healing;
  • Tingling in the feet;
  • Boils.


Treating diabetes is essential to save the patient from disease progression and damage to the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys and nerves. The disease can be controlled with changes in lifestyle habits – diet and physical activity –, in addition to managing other known risk factors that damage blood vessels.

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