The cuts on the hands caused by the

Instead of the usual creams, here’s what to use to eliminate cuts on your hands and redness caused by wind and cold during the winter.

As soon as the cold arrives, many of us start to suffer from dry skin. The frozen air typical of these days, in fact, is the same as that it makes our skin more dehydrated and less elastic. And the consequence of this situation is only and only one: hands are cut.

The cuts on the hands, we can say it, they are a problem that creates deep pain and discomfort. You generate both when frequently using detergents, such as, for example, ammonia or bleach, and more. Also hand soaps or purse cleanersin fact, if too aggressive, they can create redness and irritation.

Even in winter, due to low temperaturesthere are so many people who end up having all their hands cut off. To avoid these problemsas well as wearing the best gloves, we should take advantage of the great potential of 3 products widely used in cosmetics.

The fissuresespecially those in correspondence of the nailsthey are often very deep and are difficult to heal. Let’s find out, therefore, which ingredients will make us breathe a sigh of relief right away.

Do the cuts on your hands typical of winter hurt? We will eliminate them thanks to these 3 moisturizing wraps

A great classic of the field of cosmetics it is marigold. It’s about a medicinal plant And boasts many properties useful in the field of beauty and body care.

As for chapped and suffering hands, it will be enough for us to know that the aforementioned plant has properties emollients, soothing And moisturizers. Besides, he would be able to have also an anti-inflammatory effectvery useful in situations where the skin is stressed and dehydrated.

To restore softness to the hands, it will be necessary bring 1 liter of water to a boil and then put you in infusion 3 tablespoons of calendula flowers, for about 15 minutes. When the solution has cooled down, we can filter everything and immerse a cotton disk in it.

We’ll have to dab on the back of your hands this wet disk, for about 10 minutes. If we repeat the procedure for at least 4 or 5 dayswe will soon notice a renewed softness of our hands.

Yogurt is also very useful if used in this way

So too yogurt is a very good product to use also for body care. As is known, there are truly endless nourishing and moisturizing face masks, excellent for always looking a few years younger.

In fact, yoghurt it is an ingredient that deeply nourishes and hydrates also drier and flakier skin. In this case we will simply have to spread some yoghurtlet’s hope with a mask brush, on the back of the hands.

Yogurt deeply

Yogurt deeply

We will have to this time too keep everything in place for at least 15 minutesafter which we can rinse everything off under running water.

We also remind you that we will have to use a natural yogurt and we will also be able to recycle an expired one, so as to avoid waste.

A truly precious oil for the hands

If you use lots of creams why nicks on your hands hurt, you probably haven’t found out yet extraordinary effectiveness of argan oil. In this case, we will have to mix a spoonful of argan oil And one of honey then spread it all over your hands. Of course, the hands they will be very soft and super hydrated.


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