Due to CFK's management, the Government asked Horacio Rosatti to support the chambermaid Figueroa

Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner she waited a single day after the primary elections to rededicate herself to the task that has been occupying her the most this year: filling the vacancies in the Judiciary, before the end of the Government. Her first management was to achieve continuity in the position of chambermaid Ana Maria Figueroadespite the fact that on Wednesday the 9th he turned 75 years old.

This Monday, the Secretary of Justice Juan Martin Menna sent a note to the president of the Supreme Court, Horace Rosatti, to ask him to keep Figueroa in office. The official is one of the jurists closest to the vice president and addressed his claim to the head of the court because, in addition to presiding over it, he is in charge of the Judicial Council, the body in charge of selecting and sanctioning judges.

President Alberto Fernandez This year he sent a document to extend Figueroa’s term for five years, it was ruled by the Agreements commission and Cristina Kirchner tried to get the Senate to approve it along with 74 other appointments of judges, prosecutors and official defense officials.

The interest of the vice president for the chambermaid is that the Hotesur-Los Sauces case and that of the memorandum with Iran, both files in which she is being investigated for alleged money laundering and treason.

In the note he sent to Rosatti, Mena recalled the background of three jurists who continued in their position for 75 years, waiting for their statement to be dealt with in the Senate. It’s all about the judges Silvia Mora, Juan Carlos Bonzon y Luis Alberto Imas. “They continued to carry out their functions as magistrates during the process before the Senate of the Nation, until the publication of the new appointment.”

as explained Letter Pthe case of Mora is the most targeted in Kirchnerism, because it is the wife of the former judge Ricardo Recondo, former president of the Association of Magistrates. Mena’s note came after Rosatti received a pronouncement from other chambers that he not allow Figueroa to practice, who confirmed that he will continue, but will not sign rulings. The attack against him also has a proposal from the councilors close to the opposition who asked to open the contest to replace Figueroa. Rosatti must define his decision these days.

Pending sheets

With the results of the primaries, Cristina Kirchner has more difficulties in getting a quorum, because the senator and governor-elect of Rio Negro Alberto Weretilneck, will continue without participating in the sessions after fourth place in the legislative elections of Juntos Somos Río Negro, his provincial party. If the figures of Sunday in October were repeated, he would lose the seat he occupies Luis Di Giacomo.

Yes, it can help the jujueño Guillermo Snopek, who won the internship to be a candidate for deputy, and was one of the rebels who prevented the quorum in the two attempts to sit. The other was from Entre Ríos Edgardo Kueiderwho requested the opinion of a law to reduce the cost of electricity rates and got it.

In the ruling party, there is also concern about whether the other 74 specifications will be dealt with, among which there are 28 approved last year, in many cases with the signature of Together for Change. The other 47 arrived this year and were ruled without an opposition signature.

Until now, JxC is reluctant to participate in a session to approve the specifications, hoping to have a majority in December and vote at will, since if the results of the primaries are repeated it will not be possible.

In addition, there are another 17 documents sent that will only be dealt with when there is a session and they have been formally entered. There are candidacies linked to the governor Axel Kicillof and the Minister of the Interior Edward of Peter With the formal processing of her entry, the president of the Agreements commission, the Kirchnerist Anabel Fernández Sagasti, may convene hearings to rule on them and deal with them on site. It is another of the objectives of this Wednesday.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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