The wallet is missing, along with the debit card. A call to the bank, block your PIN and everything is done? Not quite yet.

You have rummaged through all your pockets and you find out: The wallet is suddenly no longer there. The shock is great, because often the debit and credit cards have disappeared with the wallet. What has to be done now?

It doesn’t matter if the card was stolen or lost – it must be blocked. This goes beyond the nationwide Sperrnotruf +49 116 116 or by calling the respective bank directly.

Debit card gone: The blocking emergency call is only the first step

If you think that the EC-Card so that it is completely withdrawn from circulation and is protected from all unwanted debits, you are unfortunately wrong. The problem: The bank can only block payments that are made via PIN entry. According to the Federal Police, payments work for which you no PIN needs, but still. Thieves could use the card with a forged signature and steal money from the account. The emergency call at the bank is only the first step.

With Kuno Block unwanted debits

The second step comes „Kuno“ for use. “Kuno” is the abbreviation for “Fighting crime in cashless payment transactions using non-police organizational structures”. This is another blocking service in which the EC card is also blocked for payments without a PIN. “Kuno” was made by trading company and the police developed and is a voluntary project.

Important: Credit card providers do not take part in the initiative – the Credit card can therefore only be blocked via the general emergency call. You should inform yourself individually at the credit card company about the measures and keep an eye on the account.

This is how “Kuno” works for EC cards:

  1. The blocking by “Kuno” only takes place on site, in a police station. The police will record the theft or loss of the card.
  2. You can ask the officials about the “Kuno” blocking service. You need to have your account number and sort code ready. Only then will the Kuno message be started and the Handel informed. The EC card can then no longer be used at the dealers.
  3. You will receive a leaflet and a confirmation number. You will need them later to deal with inquiries online or by telephone.
  4. If the blocked card no longer appears and you have received a new card from the bank, you should new card number Report to “Kuno”. This will permanently disable the missing card. You can do that on the official website of the initiative.
  5. Nevertheless, according to “Kuno”, the charges to follow carefully on the account. Since not all retailers participate in the project, there is no guarantee of complete protection.
  6. The map shows up again? Then you can have them released to the police.

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