Nei giorni scorsi il marchio tedesco ha registrato, presso l’Ufficio Marchi e Brevetti Tedesco, 48 nuovi nomi da dedicare alle auto currently in commerce and in arrival nei next month. A scoprire queste informazioni sono stati i nostri colleghi di CarBuzz, semper molto atenti ai brevetti che vengo depositati in giro per il mundo.

l’intero sBMW denomination code will change rispetto all’attuale; At the moment, BMW followed a well precise and easily recognizable schema. Ad esampio, the BMW 330i is a vettura appartenente alla gamma Series 3 (prime number), with a power interval (second and third number) ea benzine (“i” benzina, i suffissi “d” and “e” communicate the presence of a diesel or electric system). Initially the second and the third number but they were not dedicated there cilindrata (3.0 liters in this case), value that successively is modified immediately after the downsizing of the propellers.

What will change in the future? Simple, avremo i prefissi for the type of series follow the propulsive group. In addition, the future i750 It will be an electric BMW i7 with a 50 drivetrain. This story for the X750, it will be an X7 SUV with a 50 drivetrain. Maggiore is quest’ultimo valore, più l’car will be powerful. The type of drive will be fine even in the name, for a greater recognition of consumer awareness: it will not be difficult to measure with an hypothetical i530 xDrive, but an electric 5-series with a 30 drivetrain and complete drivetrain.

He versioni sportive M? Secondo CarBuzz, a giudicare dai brevetti depositati, may follow a analogous denomination And will (ad exemplify) pass from the current M3 to a less distinctive M350, to position it one step higher than the more “civilian” M340i.

Say this, tutti i marchi registrati:

BMW 1/i1 Series:

BMW X1/iX1:

BMW X2/iX2:

BMW 3 Series/i3:

BMW X3/iX3:

  • X320
  • X330
  • iX330
  • iX340
  • iX350

BMW 4 Series/i4:

BMW X4/iX4:

BMW 5 Series/i5:

BMW X5/iX5:

  • X540
  • X550
  • X560
  • iX540
  • iX550
  • iX560

BMW X6/iX6:

  • X640
  • X650
  • iX640
  • iX650
  • iX660

BMW 7 Series/i7:

BMW X7/iX7:

  • X740
  • X750
  • X760
  • iX740
  • iX750
  • iX760


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