Ecuador approves questions for a constitutional referendum

QUITO.- He Constitutional Court of Ecuador gave approval to the 10 questions proposed by the Government of Daniel Noboa for holding a constitutional referendum. The focus of these questions covers crucial areas such as security, work, investment, functioning of the State and constitutional aspects.

Among the approved questions, the one regarding “control of weapons, ammunition, explosives and accessories” by the Armed Forces stands out, as well as the proposal to reform the Penal Code to increase penalties for crimes such as terrorism, drug trafficking, organized crime , murder, trafficking, kidnapping, arms trafficking, money laundering and illicit activity of mining resources.

Other approved issues address issues such as full compliance with the sentence of people deprived of liberty, the classification as a crime of the possession of weapons for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces or the Police, and the possibility of the State being the owner of property of illicit or unjustified origin, simplifying the procedure of the Organic Law of Domain Forfeiture.

In addition, four questions were approved with amendments, addressing topics such as the extradition of Ecuadorians, the establishment of specialized judiciaries in constitutional matters, the promotion of foreign investment and the recognition of international arbitration, as well as the reformulation of the Labor Code to regulate contracts. fixed-term and hourly.

Pardons were rejected

Although the Government initially presented a total of 20 questions, one related to casinos was withdrawn, and another nine questions related to security did not achieve approval.

Among them is the possibility of granting pardons to members of the Police, the Armed Forces or State security forces accused of crimes of use of force, as well as the proposal that Armed Forces and Police personnel be tried. exclusively by judges specialized in criminal and military matters in all procedural stages.

Source: With information from Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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