Ecuador registers more than 400 children murdered in less than a year

QUITO.- The wave of violence in Ecuador reached alarming proportions, claiming the lives of at least 455 children and adolescents between January and September 2023, according to reports from the Ombudsman’s Office. The province of Guayas is particularly affected, recording the majority of these tragic events.

The country faces a security crisis, with a 500% increase in homicides of young people between 15 and 19 years old, according to the semiannual report of the Ecuadorian Organized Crime Observatory, dedicated to combating the growing threats of drug trafficking and criminal gangs.

The latest episode that shocked the nation occurred on Monday, when four minors, including a baby, were shot to death by hitmen in the impoverished neighborhood of Guasmo Sur, in Guayaquil, capital of the province of Guayas. The siblings Jordana, Briana, Adiel and Aitana, aged between 5 months and 7 years, lost their lives in an indiscriminate attack on their home. His mother, also a victim of violence, is hospitalized with a reserved prognosis.

Police suggest the attack was aimed at other people in the neighboring home, where explosives were found during the investigation.

“This incident, reflecting an alarming increase in acts of contract killings and violence, highlights a national security emergency,” the Ombudsman’s Office warns in a statement.

Ecuador faces a critical situation

Ecuador, converted into a logistics center for shipping cocaine to the United States and Europe, faces a critical situation. The institution urges the government to take urgent measures and allocate the necessary resources to effectively combat organized crime and drug trafficking, which have turned the country into a scene of unprecedented violence.

With a record 26 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2022, experts warn that the figure could climb even further this year, reaching 40 murders per 100,000 people, underscoring the urgency of addressing the security crisis in Ecuador.

Source: With information from AFP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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