These last few months have been eventful for Elodie Gossuin. After the hospitalization of her husband Bertrand Lacherie, who underwent knee surgery last May, the former beauty queen saw another member of her family suffer from health problems. This Wednesday, September 27, Miss France 2001 published a photo of her daughter Joséphine, aged 10, dressed in a blouse in a hospital bed and expressed her concerns as a mother. “In these spaces, space-time is different. The hours spent in the hospital are endless, the waits of torture that drag everything down to the guts”she wrote in a message where she also thanks the nursing staff. “Just thank you. You are super heroes. Another world. That of the real Marvel, heroines and heroes of real life, generous, courageous, caring, compassionate, human, patient souls for impatient patients, even without taking the time to eat two minutes or to go to the toilet. A gift of self. Thank you for all that you are and do.”

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Elodie Gossuin happy to have been able to reunite with her husband Bertrand Lacherie

Since the publication of this message, Elodie Gossuin has returned home with her little Joséphine, who is doing better. The mother also found her husband Bertrand Lacherie, who is none other than her greatest support. This Thursday, September 28, the co-host of the Largest karaoke in France published a photo of their couple in an Instagram story. The opportunity for her to send a beautiful message to her husband. “When you’re here, everything is fine.”, she wrote on a photo showing her head resting on the shoulder of the man of her life. Married for 17 years, Elodie Gossuin and Bertrand Lacherie are above all best friends, as the forty-year-old recently confided to Gala. “We are extremely complementary. I think it’s also because I have my best friend next to me. Every day, we laugh. Even when I’m exhausted or I’m not feeling well, he’s always there to lift me up.”

Elodie Gossuin reveals the secrets of the longevity of her relationship

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Very busy with her various professional activities, Elodie Gossuin has always been able to count on her husband to manage the education of their two pairs of twins and to encourage her to follow her career dreams. “That’s loving others, not restraining them, not jealously stifling them”she confided, delighted that her husband, computer graphic designer and model, launched into comedy by playing in the series The mysteries of love. “In a couple, we see it clearly around us, there is never certainty, we grew up at the same time, our relationship has evolved a lot and has never been calm. The roller coaster is good too You have to accept the lows or the silences of the other to be at the top afterwards.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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