Elsa Anka talks about her departure from First Dates: There was a preference for a younger replacement

Elsa Anka has reappeared in Espejo Público with a clear mission: to denounce that society, in many aspects, retires women after a certain age. The presenter and also actress considers that her 58 years are working against her when it comes to receiving new job opportunities. In her interview in Susanna Griso’s space, the television presenter remembers her departure from First Dates.

It was a year ago when Elsa Anka appeared on Carlos Sobera’s program to take over from Lidia Torrent and thus cover her daughter’s maternity leave. A stage that the presenter remembers with great affection and that defines it as very beautiful. I wish all mothers could do this, cover our daughters during the maternity stage. I had that wonderful opportunitypoints out on Antena 3.

However, Elsa Anka was left with a thorn in her side. And in March, her daughter Lidia Torrent decided to leave First Dates to start a new professional path. All viewers, as well as social networks, trusted that her mother would keep the position. Nothing could be further from the truth since The production decided to bet on another television actress: Laura Boado, from The Island of Temptations.


A younger relief

Lidia would have continued or I could have followed, but there was a preference for a younger replacement, laments Elsa Anka in Espejo Pblico. This profession is very demanding in terms of appearance, but I think that society in general… I mean, women have always been marked the moment we reach a certain age., he also adds. It is very difficult for there to be an older woman in a leisure program, she says. According to her story, in the United States actresses were already complaining a lot that there were no roles for women, especially for women of a certain age.

Despite feeling very comfortable with the moment in his life he is going through, he does not miss the opportunity to be honest and make it clear that he misses his professional activity. I see a camera and I go crazy because I am very happy and I have been very happy doing my job, but I see that there are many more possibilities.he concludes.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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