Elsa Pataky, on motherhood: I have sacrificed my career

Elsa Pataky stopped her acting career short due to becoming a mother with Australian actor Chris Hemsworth. She has no regrets about it and, in fact, feels privileged to have been able to do it.

It has changed my life completely. I thought it wasn’t going to happen, that I would have a child and continue working and doing the same thing. And suddenly everything changes, your children depend on you and you depend on them, says the Madrid actress, who now resides on another continent with her family, in an interview with The world.

A feeling of responsibility and guilt is also generated that I didn’t know until now. It doesn’t help much, but it’s true that all mothers have it. I wish we could free ourselves from him; It is something that makes us be there with them, protect them and leave many other things behind, sacrifice them.. We are willing to do it, but you have to know that that is what is going to change, and no one tells you, so it surprises you. I have sacrificed my career, but it is something I am very proud of.Explain.

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  • The artist is in our country for various publicity engagements where she has spoken about her husband’s health.

Something that, as she herself recognizes, is not available to all women who are mothers: It is a decision that I made and that I have been able to afford financially. It makes you sad to leave certain things, but you will have that happiness, that pride and those memories forever.

Her future

What the actress has also confessed is that, Among his plans is not to return to Spain permanently to settle here. along with her husband and children, making her happy in Australia with a different type of life.

I like to spend time here, but where I live is already in Australia; I have become accustomed to that lifestyle, to being in contact with nature, I don’t know if I could live in a city. Neither do my children, they have grown up there and that is what they have seen. But I always like to come back and let the children soak up Spanish culture, she says.

And what she is very clear about is that she would like to continue by her husband’s side, now that her children are growing up and they are also getting older. When you get older it is nice to be accompanied and have by your side someone who has been your partner throughout your life, but you never know what can happen. I have always seen myself there with him, the dream of growing old together is so beautiful… you already know each other and you know both the good things and the bad, and the nice thing is taking care of each other.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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