You are currently viewing Elvis Presley’s revolver for sale

46 years after his death, the figure of Elvis Presley is still more alive than ever. The king of rock, in whose figure thousands of daily tributes are sustained -either for his music, for his dances or even for the weddings that are officiated in his costume-, was a great fan of firearms. So much so that he had a collection of pistols and shotguns in his own home.

One of the most coveted pieces in his collection was a Smith & Wesson Model 53 double-action revolver that went up for auction a few days ago. The gun ended up in the artist’s hands as a gift in November 1976, some nine months before he died.and was personalized with motifs that recalled the bicentennial of the independence of the United States.

The Rock Island Auction Company put the piece up for sale at auction for a starting price of $60,000 (about 55,000 euros). However, to his surprise, the bids were rising like foam until reaching an amount very close to 200,000 dollars (about 185,000 euros)as it counts TMZ.

past as military

Not everyone knows that Elvis Presley had a distinguished military career in the United States Army. For almost two years between 1958 and 1960, the artist served in two different medium tank battalions: one in Texas and the other in Germany. Apparently, according to rumors, Elvis hosted parties at the residence and did not stop playing music during his service.

During his tenure, Elvis became a sergeant in the Army shortly before being released from his Army duties. On March 2, 1960, he returned to the United States and three days later, on the 5th, he was discharged from the service. active to, four years later, enter directly into the military reserve.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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