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Sol Macaluso announced in the last few hours the sad moment that he had to go through: without even telling that I was expecting twinsthe journalist from Telecincocorrespondent in the Ukrainian war at the beginning of the conflict, has suffered a miscarriage of babies what awaited

In the company of her fiancé, Gennaro, the Mediaset reporter confirmed the news through a publication on her social networks. She was visibly moved and unable to contain her tears, she explained that she had lost her two babies, Leo and Luna.

We didn’t get to give the happiest news of our lives and we have to give the saddest. Our angels in heaven, thank you, Leo and Luna, for choosing us as their parents, even though they are not physically with us, the love and teachings they gave us during this time together is eternal. We love you forever, daddy and mommy ”, she wrote in the publication that accompanied the video.

Love declaration

The young journalist also took advantage of the publication to remember the love for her partner and partner in this sad moment that they have had to live. “As for you, Gennaro, every day I am more proud and happy to have chosen you as a life partnertogether we are stronger. I love you always, ”she said to her fiancé, with whom she hugged in the video to communicate her loss when she was barely three months pregnant.

“It was just the week in which we had the controls to know that everything was going well and just they told us there was no heartbeat and they had to intervene on me and make me a curettage. We wanted to talk about this because very little is said about perinatal and gestational grief and that one in four women lose their pregnancies, and we have had to be among the statistics. For us they were our children and they will always be with us, ”she recounted.

Life has now put us one of the most difficult tests as a couplebut here we are, holding hands, supporting the other as we can and learning to do it better every time”, he added.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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