You are currently viewing Emergency surgery.  36,000 euros, the price put on the life of a 14-year-old child

In the heart of a single mother beats an unshakable courage and an unconditional love for her daughter. Their story is one of sacrifice, struggle and hope, a story that speaks of the extraordinary strength of parental love and the determination to overcome any obstacle.

Daria NechitaPhoto: “SAVE A HEART” Association

Daria is 14 years old and suffers from a rare neurological genetic disorder: Rett Syndrome, a form of autism. We are talking about a genetic mutation that affects the way the brain works, causing a progressive loss of motor skills and speech.

“It all started when Daria was only one baby. We were happy like any parents to hear the first words: “mama”, “dad”, “water”, “papa” and we were sipping on the looks when she happily played with the ball and other toys. Over time I noticed that she was no longer interested in the world around her, she stopped playing, she stopped calling us, the words gradually disappeared. I took the diagnosis hard, but I never gave up. All our savings went for 11 years on intensive therapies: speech therapy, physical therapy, music therapy and more. We did everything possible so that her condition would improve,” Laura, Daria’s mother, told us with tears in her eyes.

The girl is 100% dependent on the presence of an adult. Daria doesn’t speak, so you don’t know what she needs, what she feels, what she thinks. But he is a decent, quiet, sociable child. He attends classes at a special school, and Laura is the only one who is with him. We are talking about a single parent, left with the minimum wage in the economy, who strives day by day to comfort suffering. But life does not shy away from bringing him challenge after challenge.

“Sometimes I feel like I’m fighting windmills. We face all kinds of complications triggered by this syndrome. At this time, a severe form of scoliosis is putting his life in danger. If surgery is not performed immediately, his internal organs will simply be crushed into his ribcage. We tried to solve the problem with a medical corset, but it was all in vain.”

However, Laura did not give up and sought specialist help in Germany. Thus, after years of treatments and preventive measures, Daria now needs a vital operation. The surgical intervention that can save her life, however, costs over 36,000 euros, an amount that a single mother cannot afford.

In support of a mother who has been tried so hard and a little girl who did not know what childhood is, the Save a Heart Association has launched a campaign to collect fonts. Those wishing to contribute to Daria’s treatment and recovery can use the details above to donate and provide a ray of hope in the lives of this brave family.

For donations go to:

Entity name: “SAVE A HEART” Association

Fiscal registration code: 31015982

RON account: RO05BTRL00701205W82870XX

EUR account: RO28BTRLEURCRT00W8287001

USD account: RO68BTRLUSDCRT00W8287001


BIC code: BTRL

Banca Transilvania

Please specify in the bank transfer, in the payment details, the name DARIA NECHITA

Article supported by the “Save a Heart” Association

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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