• In recent years, Mexico has grown in terms of confidence from emerging investors.

  • Globally, Mexico is considered one of the strongest economies in Latin America.

  • Knowing the behavior of investors allows companies and society in general to know the economic panorama of the country.

Thanks to the new technologies and the available facilities that they offer, investing and knowing the risks and benefits of exercising this activity has become easier and easier, That is why we are now mentioning some of the behaviors that are expected among emerging investors in Mexico for 2023.

What is the use of investing?

One of the main doubts that new investors face is to establish the reason for carrying out this activity, for this reason it can be established that a good investment can make your money grow, in addition to helping you to have a heritage for the future, For this reason, it is important to allocate part of your savings in financial instruments, since investing is putting your money to work, however, there are several investment models as well as spaces to carry out this type of economic activity.

Mexico as an attractive country for emerging investors

It can be established that Mexico worldwide is considered a developing country, which begins to grow with its own level of industrial production and its sales abroad, which is why since 2016 Mexico is also considered the only major economy in Latin America that has improved its fundamentals, this according to what was indicated by the Oxford Economics consultancy.

who also warns that “Mexico has become the new safe haven among emerging markets in the short term for foreign investors”since it has been considered that some of the countries that have invested the most in Mexico are, in the first place, its partners in the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC), followed by a significant number of European countries ( Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Germany, United Kingdom, Luxembourg and Switzerland) and Asia (Japan).

Behavior trends among emerging investors

It is due to this growing commitment of investors within the national territory, that some of the trends that Dominican emerging investors should be aware of, as indicated by Flink and Vifaru Brokerage House, who carried out a joint analysis to find out what was the behavior of emerging Mexican investors during 2022 and the investment trends that are expected for this year, resulting in some of the following findings.

  • They prefer to invest in companies they know regardless of their actual performance, and this is because emotions play a leading role when buying assets, versus hard data.
  • Debt instruments are more attractive to investors, such as repo operations, at times of high volatility in the stock market.
  • Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are not a priority for retail investors, they prefer to buy fractional or full shares directly from companies.

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