Emotional message from Blanca Fernndez Ochoa's daughter to her mother: There are no words

February 20, 1992: skier Blanca Fernndez Ochoa made history at the Albertville Olympic Games by winning the bronze medal in the slalom discipline. A key moment for Spanish sport and also for the athlete, who disappeared at the end of August 2019 and was found dead days later.

This sporting milestone has been chosen by his daughter, Olivia Fresnedato remember his mother thirty-two years after its achievement and when it is about to complete five years since its loss. The young woman has done it through a emotional message on his Instagram accountwhere he posted the video of the feat in the ski test and also a photo with the Madrid champion.

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  • Emotional message from Blanca Fernndez Ochoa's daughter to her mother: There are no words

    The former reporter for Ana Rosa Quintana would have already forgotten Antonio David Flores, Roco Carraco’s ex, with the Italian Michael Terlizzi.

I think it’s been a long time since I talked about you, mommy. AND I sincerely believe that it was because there are not enough words to express everything I feel for you.. I watch this video and I can’t do anything but cry for the pride I feel as a daughter.. I think you are an exceptional, unique and unmatched person, the young woman began by saying.

a piece of metal

Today (yesterday, February 20) you just won your medal, as you said, an insignificant piece of metal but deep down we know that it is probably one of the greatest things I have ever seen. AND Today I have just opened something that I had hidden inside: pain and sadness.. They are feelings that we don’t usually like very much but we have to let them be and let them calm down, they deserve it after so much time, Fresneda tells him.

In addition, the young woman will take the opportunity to remember the pride she feels in her mother. Every time I look at any photo or video of you it just makes me think about how lucky I have been for everything you gave us and continue to give us..

And he sends her a message of love: I always love you, I always think of you and you are always present at all times, writes next to a heart. And she adds that she has also had to say goodbye to his pet, to whom they were both very close: Choquito is no longer here, he left just today with you to enjoy wherever you are. You both already wanted to be together.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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