Three tips to prepare a crispy chicken burger

MIAMI.- The hamburger It is one of the most famous fast food options in the world. And there are more and more restaurants or chains that have diversified this dish. Such is the case of a company in Venezuela dedicated to the sale of pollo crispy with three decades on the market, which for the first time presents a burger with its star protein.

Before the launch of the new dish, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS spoke with Carlos Arena, manager of new projects at Arturo’s, to find out what tips the brand applies to achieve the crispy point in a chicken burger.

“The breading is the main thing because that is what gives the chicken the distinction of flavor and characteristic, once fried,” declared Arena, who assured that the recipe they use is the same for many years.

Another tip, shared by the manager of Arturo’s, has to do with the juiciness of the protein. “For the chicken to be juicy, it must be pressure cooked with oil. This causes the chicken to fry in its own juice without making it dry.”

Finally, Arena recommended that to prepare a succulent chicken burger you should ensure the selection of quality products.

A new burger

As mentioned at the beginning of this note, Arturo’s launched its new dish: the PanaCrunch. In a scoop with the media, the company’s management explained that the burger stands out for its 100% real chicken meat, as is usual in all its products, and includes pickles, mustard and the emblematic salad with the brand’s touch. that all Venezuelans recognize and enjoy.

“PanaCrunch is one of the products that was missing from our menu and that we wanted to offer to Venezuelans. Last December 28, April Fool’s Day, we published a post advertising a hamburger on our social networks and the favorable reactions were many. We knew that we were on the right path and because it is a highly anticipated and unique product, we have chosen February 29 as the launch date, as it is a unique date for an unmatched product, said Gerardo Brea, Commercial Director of the chicken chain. Fried Arturos.

Although the chain is only found in Venezuela, the board assured DIARIO LAS AMRICAS that they are working to expand the brand to other countries in America.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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