In the episode of Apprentice Adventurers of this Wednesday, March 15, 2023, Jessica Errero and Fanny Salvat ate a root that she should never have ingested. Several weeks after the adventure, Jessy was still suffering from this poisoning, as she confided to Tele-Leisure.

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A bitter-tasting adventure… Candidate for this sixth season of Apprentice Adventurers on W9, Jessica Errero poisoned herself in the episode of this Wednesday, March 15. Fanny Salvat’s partner, also affected, swallowed a toxic root to which she had an allergic reaction. “We ate a root that looked like cassava“, detailed the young woman with Tele-Leisure. Present in January at the press conference of the program, the latter testified that she was not yet completely cured…

Jessica Errero (Apprentice Adventurers 6) tells what happened after his intoxication

It only took a few seconds to feel the negative effects of the ingested object. “Fanny spat out and had the reflex to spit everything out quickly. She’s a real adventurer, not me.” explains Jessica Errero who specifies that she had an anxiety attack. “We went to the hospital where we were put on a drip and where we received an adrenaline injection“, she goes on to say what you will never see on tv. “I was starting to have angioedema so much I was swelling“, she recalls painfully. “It wasn’t fun. The rest of the adventure has been disrupted“, tease-t-elle.

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Jessica Errero is not yet cured: “I still have scars”

A few weeks after the shooting, the one we nicknamed Jessy confided to us that she was not yet completely cured of her ailments. “I still have scars. I have an appointment at the hospital to try to see if they operate on my salivary gland which may be clogged because of the burn in my mouth.” The candidate, who is the subject of strong criticism on social networks, continues: “I have the back of my throat burned, with small holes. The nerves of my tongue have been affected and the muscles of my throat are paralyzed.“Because of his allergic reaction, some everyday things are still impossible for him. “I can’t drink a small glass of alcohol“, she says, before indicating that she still wishes to remain positive. She ends up clarifying that, according to her doctor, the healing process can take up to two years maximum, the time that her cells regenerate. .


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