Family caught watching “Tracing the footprints”

A family, apparently Cuban, was caught watching the television program on the island, “Tras La Huella.”

“Here I am at a stop in Hialeah, watching Following the Footprint“, they wrote from the concubatv profile on the social network TikTok along with a video showing the television where an episode of the Cuban police drama is being broadcast.

A few days ago, a Latin community account on the social network TikToklocated Hialeah as the most Cuban city in the United States.

The city stood out for its gastronomic offering and the similarity of the houses to those in Cuba, they said.

A few months ago, the youtuber Eloy Travel Vlogsin one of his videos, showed how residents perceive the city of Hialeah and what are the iconic places of this community.

Among the advantages of the fifth largest city in the state of Florida, he mentioned economic development, the welcome of Cubans, and the rental and purchase of homes.

It is estimated that in the last two years alone, Some 80,000 Cubans have arrivedalthough there are no official figures.

A phenomenon that city authorities have been evaluating, with a view to assessing the impact this has had, as well as the resources available or to asking the federal government to deal with the massive arrival of people.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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