Fede Valverde's possible guidance to Mbapp from Safari Madrid

Days after it became public that Kylian Mbapp had informed Al-Khelaifi of his intention to leave the ranks of Paris Saint Germain, there is only talk of Real Madrid. Although within the club they remain silent, the last to speak out about what would be, if finalized, the signing of the summer has been Javier Tebas, who has not hesitated to affirm that there is a 99% chance that he will sign for the club. by Concha Espina.

Meanwhile, those who aim to be the French star’s future companions remain silent. Or that, at least, is what it seems. However, In the last few hours, Fede Valverde has shared a story on his Instagram account that could be interpreted as a wink towards Bondy’s forward.


Instagram Fede Valverde

The Uruguayan international traveled to the Safari Madrid facilities, in Aldea del Fresno, last Thursday with his wife, Mina Bonino, and their two children. The Argentine journalist shared various photographs of the excursion, among which there were crocodiles, lions and her son Benicio posing with a turtle.

Curiously, among all the images that Bonino published on his Instagram accountthe only one that Valverde published was that of the turtle. Something that can be understood as a joke due to the nickname that Mbapp receives or, on the contrary, as a gesture of affection towards his son, since it was the only photograph in which he appeared.

The origin of the nickname Ninja Turtle

Back in 2017, when Mbapp had just signed for Paris Saint Germain, his teammates baptized him Ninja Turtle and, more specifically, with the character of Donatello. The heavyweights of the locker room, like Kurzawa or Thiago Silva They were the main architects of the joke with their partner.

In fact, shortly before the 2018 World Cup in Russia in which France won, the Brazilian center back gave him a ninja turtle mask wrapped in a Dior box. It was, precisely, the rise of Mbapp’s popularity during the highest national team competition at the international level, which made the nickname end up becoming popular definitely throughout the seven seas.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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