LLORET DE MAR.- The king Felipe VI He described the 15th anniversary of the Foundation as a happy coincidence Princesa of Girona (FPdGi), his first decade of reign and the recent coming of age of the princess, and has referred to the last as an opportunity for Leonor continue learning and progressing in your responsibilities.

The monarch said this in his closing speech at the 15th FPdGi Awards in Lloret de Mar (Girona), where he combined Catalan and Castilian, and which was followed by the Princess’s speech.

“Listening to your words makes me proud as a king and thrills me as a father. Leonor, Sofia, thank you,” said Felipe VI.

Felipe VI highlights the responsibility of Leonor and Sofia

Felipe VI also said that Queen Letizia and he see their daughters becoming more responsible, more attentive and interested in what is happening, in what the Royal Family does as an institution and in how to help to do it better, not only to fulfill institutional purposes, but to get involved in society in many ways, he explained.

Regarding his first 10 years as King of Spain, he considered that it has been a decade of effort and dedication, but also of reward and growth, which he summed up in three words: Service, commitment and duty, which have guided the Crown during all these years.

The King also highlighted the role of the FPdGi in promoting young Spanish talent and recalled the beginnings of the organisation, which started with four Girona-based companies: the Girona Chamber, the La Caixa Foundation, Caixa de Girona and the Gala-Dalí Foundation, with the firm and enthusiastic support of the Crown.

Felipe VI celebrated that the FPdGi is now about to exceed 100 patrons and is present in a relevant way throughout Spain. He stated that he fondly remembers the beginnings of the foundation, which was born in the midst of the 2008 crisis to help young people, who were greatly affected by the economic situation and the labour market.

“The passing of the years shows that it was a great idea because today those young people form a very outstanding community of talent, not only at a national but international level,” the king stressed.

Source: Europa Press

Tarun Kumar

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