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MIAMI.- The music It has been a part of human life for thousands of years, which shows the desire of humans to express themselves or communicate through melodies. In recent years it has been known that different styles of music can influence the mood, physiological and structural states of the brain.

Through music, people can experience and process different emotions, from happiness to excitement, as well as sadness, tranquility, and contemplation. So the music therapy has emerged as an alternative that can improve the quality of life of patients and mental well-being in general.

What is music therapy?

Music therapy is the use of music for therapeutic purposes through sounds, rhythms, melodies and harmonies.

Music therapy can include creating music with instruments of all kinds, singing, moving to the music, or simply listening to it.

All of these options are equally beneficial, and it is not necessary to have musical skills or talents to participate and experience their positive effects.

How does it work?

Music is a sensory experience capable of activating different brain areas simultaneously, so the brain puts the emotional, cognitive and physical sense into operation.

Many studies suggest that music therapy can reduce feelings of anxiety, even in people with cancer. It can also reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which can have a direct effect on the stress people feel.

This is because the positive emotions generated by receiving the vibrations of music release chemical substances that promote the proper functioning of the body in general.

Its benefits

There are many benefits that listening to or creating music can offer that conventional therapies cannot.

These include improving memory skills, coordination, reading, comprehension and mathematical skills.

By listening to song lyrics, people can explore and process difficult emotions, experiences or memories through music.

Some other benefits of music therapy include:

  • Improving self-esteem
  • Less anxiety
  • Greater motivation
  • Successful and safe emotional release
  • increased verbalization
  • Stronger connections with other people

Mental benefits of music therapy

It has been proven that the benefits of music therapy in this sense are also many. The effectiveness of music has been detected as a complementary therapy in mental disorders such as: dementia, Parkinson’s, epilepsy, depression, among others.

In addition to emotional identification and attention to patients with autism, a pathology in which the recognition of emotions and communication skills are poorly developed.

This type of tool has also become a tremendously effective treatment in the treatment of people with Alzheimer’s. It can help with memory and stimulate the mind due to predictability, familiarity, and feelings of security.


Source: With information from Better with Health and Psychology and Mind

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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