Finalists announced for the first world dance prize

LONDON.- The famous theater British company Sadler’s Wells announced today -April 29- the list of finalists for the first world dance awardamong whom is a Brazilian choreographer.

Alistair Spalding, artistic director of the London theatre, announced that the biennial Rose International dance prize will be awarded next year.

Prize objective

Its objective is to make contemporary dance known throughout the world.

Among the finalists is Charmed, by the Brazilian choreographer La Rodrigues, performed by dancers trained in the favelas of Rio de Janeiro; and An Untitled Love, by American Kyle Abraham.

They will also opt for the prize Larsen C, from the Greek Christos Papadopoulos.

Spalding noted that the seven shortlisted works explored topics that have dominated the global agenda in recent years, such as COVID, climate change or identity politics.

“We want the Rose Prize to do what the Turner has done for the visual arts or the Booker has done for publishing,” Spalding said.

The award will be divided into two categories: the Rose, for established choreographers, worth 40,000 pounds (50,000 dollars), and the Bloom, for emerging choreographers, worth 15,000 pounds.

A jury will judge the works at Sadler’s Wells in January and February 2025.

The winners of the two categories will be announced on February 10.


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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