Five infusions that do work to lose weight fast

follow a style of healthy life, ensure a balanced dietsuch as the Spanish Mediterranean diet, and physical exercise are key elements to maintain our health and get closer to a healthy weight, but there are also allies in this whole process that can help us to improve results or even speed up this weight loss process. All this in a healthy way and helping to hydrate our body, we are talking of course about the infusions. A way to help you lose weight in a healthy way and through natural remedies stay away from dangerous miracle diets.

Perfect anti-inflammatory infusions, especially to balance hormonal imbalances in women, but also burn fat, full of beneficial properties for the body and that you can consume both fasting, and to complement your meals, dinners and breakfasts. We discover the five most effective infusions to lose weight in a healthy way. Take note.

Five infusions that do work to lose weight fast

Each with its own characteristics and flavor, these five infusions are all you need to combine with your balanced diet and to help you lose weight:

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1. Infusion of thyme and lemon

The infusion of thyme and lemon can be a tool with which to complement the benefits of a balanced diet and regular physical exercise.

On the one hand, this tea is a tasty way to increase fluid intake without adding significant calories. This can help control appetite and maintain a healthy weight. Lemon vitamin C is also related to increased metabolism and fat burning. And although its effects may be modest, including lemon in the infusion can be beneficial when combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Some people associate drinking hot thyme tea with a way to reduce appetite. In fact, the aroma of thyme has been associated with a decreased ghrelin levelsa hormone that stimulates hunger.

Finally, good digestion is also essential to carry out a weight loss process. In this case, thyme contributes to relieve digestive symptoms such as bloating and indigestionin addition to helping a better absorption of nutrients and proper intestinal function.

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How to prepare the infusion of thyme and lemon?

This infusion is an easy-to-prepare hot or cold drink that you can adapt to your preferences. These are their main ingredients:


  • 1 tablespoon dried thyme or 3 sprigs fresh thyme
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cup of hot water
  • Honey or natural sweetener to taste (optional)


  1. First wash the lemon and cut it into thin slices. If you prefer, you can also choose to squeeze the juice of half a lemon instead of chopping it.
  2. In a cup add the thyme and lemon slices.
  3. Bring the water to a boil and pour it over the thyme and lemon in the mug.
  4. Cover the cup and let the infusion rest for approximately 5 to 10 minutes, so that the flavors blend. Then you can choose to leave it unsweetened or add honey or a natural sweetener to give it more flavor.
  5. Finally, remove the thyme sprigs and lemon slices and consume.

2. Mint tea

This is a type of infusion that you can find available at a good price in any supermarket and with which as well as relax and reduce stress and anxiety, can help you achieve long-term weight loss while you sleep.

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In fact, there are several preliminary studies that suggest that mint could have a positive effect on weight loss, such as the one published in the Journal of Functional Foods, which found that mint extracts could reduce weight gain and lipid level.

A weight loss that would also be related to the digestive and carminative properties of this infusion, which also help to reduce bloating and improve digestion. This, together with its relaxing properties, make it one of the best infusion options to drink at night.

How to prepare the mint infusion?

  1. To prepare a mint infusion or tea, you can choose to use the mint sachets that you will find available in supermarkets. But if you prefer to make an infusion of fresh mint, you will simply have to boil water in a pot or kettle.
  2. Then wash a bunch of fresh mint leaves, choosing the most tender and best quality leaves.
  3. Next, add the mint leaves to a cup and pour the hot water over them, letting the infusion steep for 5-10 minutes. Finally, strain the infusion and remove the mint leaves. Optionally you can add honey or lemon to taste.

3. Black tea

Black tea is also a great ally as a slimming drink. The reason for this is found in the low absorption of molecules of this drink through the intestine.

In addition, black tea has shown a positive effect on the reduced body weight. Polyphenols are the main components of black tea responsible for this weight reduction.

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In fact, it has been shown that polyphenols of this variety of tea are more effective than those of green tea since they exert a positive effect on the inhibition of obesity.

How to prepare black tea?

  1. Fill a kettle or pot with the amount of water needed for the amount of tea you want to brew and bring to a boil.
  2. Before adding the negri tea leaves, heat the teapot by pouring in a little hot water and gently turning it. This will help keep the temperature of the water constant during the preparation of the tea.
  3. Add the tea leaves into an infuser or directly into the hot teapot.
  4. Pour the hot water over the tea leaves in the kettle and fill to the desired level.
  5. Let it rest in the hot water for 3-5 minutes so that it infuses correctly.

4. Infusion of echinacea and lemon

The reason that this infusion of echinacea and lemon can help you lose weight has to do with several factors. On the one hand, it has a mild diuretic action that can help eliminate fluids by reducing the water retention in the body. This is something that can help temporarily decrease swelling and a feeling of heaviness.

As for its anti-inflammatory properties, it can also help reduce inflammation in the body by improving the metabolic balance and facilitating the process of losing weight.

Finally, in the case of lemon, it has vitamin C, which can have a positive impact on metabolism. It helps convert food into energy and can speed up metabolismsomething that in turn helps burn calories and lose weight.

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Still, it’s important to keep in mind that echinacea and lemon infusion alone is not a miraculous “fat burner” and does not replace a healthy diet and regular exercise. However, it can be beneficial to combine it with a balanced lifestyle.

How to prepare the infusion of echinacea and lemon?

To make the infusion of echinacea with lemon and enjoy its benefits, you just have to follow these steps:

  1. Boil water in a pot or water heater.
  2. Add a tablespoon of dried echinacea root or 2 echinacea tea bags to a cup.
  3. Pour the hot water over the echinacea and let it sit for 10-15 minutes to allow its compounds to be released.
  4. Squeeze the juice of half a fresh lemon into the infusion and stir well.
  5. If you want to sweeten it, you can add a tablespoon of honey or another natural sweetener.
  6. Finally, let it cool down a bit before drinking it and enjoy your infusion.

Regarding the frequency of its consumption, it is best that you always consult a health professional or nutritionist beforehand, since this could vary. depending on individual needs and the health of each person.

It is advisable to take 1 to 3 cups of echinacea tea daily for a limited period of time, such as a week or two, and then take a break from this drink. The reason for this is that its prolonged consumption can reduce its effectiveness.

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5. Bay tea

Laurel tea taken on an empty stomach continues to gain popularity and this is mainly due to all these benefits that we have just mentioned, but also to the association that this infusion has often been made with weight loss.

However, it is important to note that there are no solid scientific studies that support this last statement that bay leaf tea alone can help you lose weight.

However, embedded within a balanced and healthy diet, together with daily physical exercise, it can become a great ally to achieve a healthy weight. A weight loss that is often associated with its diuretic, digestive and anti-inflammatory properties.

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How to prepare bay leaf tea?

  1. Boil water and add a few bay leaves.
  2. Let the infusion stand for about 15 minutes and then strain it, removing the leaves from the water.
  3. Add flavor if you need it with a touch of honey or lemon and consume.

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