Frederick of Denmark reappears with his ring in his hand

After all the controversy raised in recent days after the publication of an extensive graphic report in the magazine Readings in which he appeared sharing various plans for Madrid with Genoveva Casanova, the prince Frederick of Denmark has reappeared again within the activities marked within his agenda as heir to the throne.

Federico, whose only version regarding the images with the ex-wife of Cayetano Martínez de Irujo has been expressed through a statement from the Danish Royal House, has been in a scientific research park with numerous companies in the country. He has traveled there alone, without Mary Elizabeth Donaldson, but with the ring he received during his wedding to her.

Where did they meet?

Since the exclusive of their meeting was announced, the two parties flatly denied that their relationship was of a romantic nature. The most vehement in her complaints was the Mexican actress, who threatened with separate statements and even went so far as to warn through his lawyers to the magazine Lecturas to take legal measures if this was mandatory.

Apparently, according to the information that has emerged in recent days, the relationship of friendship between Genevieve and Prince Frederick comes from the presence of both in hunts for very famous people. To be able to attend them you have to pay a lot of money, but all the royals are there, all the children of the great houses.explained Susanna Griso in Public Mirror.

Genoveva is a fixture at these events, which are usually held in central European countries such as Germany or Austria. They have a friendship. They know each other and have friends in common. They usually meet several times a year and they tell me that they are private meetings with other members of the group. They stay and sleep in private houses, Griso added.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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