Over the past decade, VPNs (Virtual Private Networks) have grown enormously in popularity, but also in utility. This is a market worth more than 30 million dollars.

There are two kinds of VPNs: paid VPNs such as NordVPN and CyberGhost that need no introduction, and free VPNs that number in the thousands, with an advertising-based business model. These seem to be riddled with drawbacks. Here are the main reasons to avoid using a free VPN.

A limited connection speed

The main thing to remember is that in general, a free VPN severely limits the bandwidth allocated to a user. You should also know that free VPN services cut back on the number of servers they deploy. The servers on which users connect are most of the time restricted or poorly adapted. In addition, some VPNs do not display connection speed information, so users end up with a much lower speed than their subscription.

Ads constantly

The lack of a monthly subscription certainly means an ad-based business model, and it’s safe to say that free VPNs don’t go all out. Quite often, the app interface gets loaded with intrusive advertisements. These are targeted ads, thanks to the resale of data, these ads that negatively impact the user experience of the application.

Very insecure VPNs

These free services can be very risky, as they may not provide adequate security to protect your personal data. Note that as a VPN customer, you either pay for a premium service with your wallet or pay for a free service with your data.

This is because many free VPNs collect and sell user data to third parties, including browsing information and IP addresses, thereby compromising user privacy. Some VPNs can even contain malware that infects the user’s device, such as 20Speed ​​VPN which contained spyware called EyeSpy in Iran.

In summary, most free VPNs have bandwidth limitations and slower connection speeds than paid services, which can harm the online browsing experience. It is also essential to choose a quality paid VPN service to guarantee your security and the confidentiality of your data.


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